Sentence The Twohundredandeightysecond
ir Parlane MacFarlane had sunk into a state of hebetude that was familiar to Doubleday, for it often followed a frenetic burst of mental activity – although it never came after a burst of sexual activity, which only seemed to give him hunger for more; on a scale of one to ten, this present dampening was
only around the six mark; suddenly, he shook himself: “we have to guard against those bastards,” he snarled, the invective harsh, coming from his handsome face, “they do not share our interests, our needs, our love for God's finest creation: Woman, in all her ages, in all her stages, and our desires to enter into her state of innocence and plough her fields and sow our seed in her sweet pastures – it is an Act of Worship which was recognised in Ancient Times, but is now harangued and by those very Priests who swive their Nuns, then trample over our pure intentions with their hob-nailed brogues; they should wear sandals like Our Lord Jesus and walk softly on the earth,” and he smiled at Doubleday, winked and nodded, “I am clear op the Valley of Shadows, Dominic, let us celebrate the Founding of The Ring of Gold with our sweet Goddess, Goldilocks!”
ir Parlane MacFarlane had sunk into a state of hebetude that was familiar to Doubleday, for it often followed a frenetic burst of mental activity – although it never came after a burst of sexual activity, which only seemed to give him hunger for more; on a scale of one to ten, this present dampening was

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