Sentence The Twohundredandseventysecond
“For a Wise Man, he does talk a lot of Tosh!” cried Daphne, tossing an old sock at the TV, where the rather prepossessing, if pompous, Professor Andrew MacAndrew was still expounding on the origins of Magnificat Man, while Catriona Renton nodded and tried to look suitably impressed, and Daphne continued: “next, he'll say that the Dinosaur Bones were created by God for a bit of fun, to see how far astray we would all be led by Mr Darwin,” at which point Professor MacAndrew, with some alacrity said: “and obviously, the Dinosaur Bones were placed in the ground by God, to have a little fun, seeing how far humans with their lack of True Faith would follow the illogical theories of Satan, in the form of Charles Darwin,” and Maude blew a raspberry, while the other two Wise Men, who had been enjoying an origami crafternoon, chucked paper aeroplanes at the set, and everyone laughed!

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