Sentence The Twohundredandseventyeighth
The return of incessant rain not only disappeared the Snowmen but also put constraints on all but the unfortunate few peeps who had no choice but to leave our Refuge and venture forth in search of food; I was the ignominious one, drawn by lot, and provided with a list of all the Sunday Papers - apparently among the very barest necessities of life for some of my Aunts and Cousins and was just about to step into the deluge, when I felt a tug at my coat-tail and turned to find a tiny Syrian boy who begged me to try to obtain a copy of the latest edition of Empire – apparently he used to get the Turkish edition at home but hasn't seen it for several months – a true cineaste in the making, he told me he has 36 issues of Empire (Turkish) in his suitcase along with several pairs of socks, two pairs of underpants, five tee-shirts, one jumper, one pair of jeans, a yellow anorak he was given in Greece, one pair of pyjamas and the clothes he is wearing; I waved away the money he offered and told him it was: “my treat.”
The return of incessant rain not only disappeared the Snowmen but also put constraints on all but the unfortunate few peeps who had no choice but to leave our Refuge and venture forth in search of food; I was the ignominious one, drawn by lot, and provided with a list of all the Sunday Papers - apparently among the very barest necessities of life for some of my Aunts and Cousins and was just about to step into the deluge, when I felt a tug at my coat-tail and turned to find a tiny Syrian boy who begged me to try to obtain a copy of the latest edition of Empire – apparently he used to get the Turkish edition at home but hasn't seen it for several months – a true cineaste in the making, he told me he has 36 issues of Empire (Turkish) in his suitcase along with several pairs of socks, two pairs of underpants, five tee-shirts, one jumper, one pair of jeans, a yellow anorak he was given in Greece, one pair of pyjamas and the clothes he is wearing; I waved away the money he offered and told him it was: “my treat.”

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