Sentence The Twohundredandeightyfirst
Sir Parlane MacFarlane peeled himself away from the sticky welter of entangled arms and legs, for he had an idea and needs must express it before it flitted away like the night moth that had passed and was hidden by daybreak: he felt that exultant tingle which told him he was a bellwether, that his vision would ripple out from this chamber and down through the generations yet to come and be a lasting monument to his vision and his daring – he shook Dominic awake and hushed him, for none must disturb the slumbering babe, Goldilocks, whose very delights had inspired him: “take pen and paper, Dom, and inscribe in your finest chirography, the one none can interpret but thyself, for this is the most dangerous secret imaginable and we must keep it close to our breasts and those whom we may choose, after careful and most exacting consideration, to admit to our number,” and he dictated, while Doubleday's pen scratched and the encrypted letters appeared as by magic upon the parchment!

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