The Second Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

As Princess Margaret had a cold that day, and was confined withn The Palace, Pansy took her place on the balcony for the High Tea Salute which took place every afternoon at 4pm, when the Royal Family acknowledge the frevent applause from Their People, who have arrived for the daily distribution of Sliced Bread!

Pnsy befriended Wee Tam, a crippled boy from The Cowgate, who was soon her constant companion in the environs of Waverley Station, joined her in The Station Buffet and on the Platforms wher she spotted new Trains and gathered the attentions of her many fans and admirers, for whom she was The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread and declared Wee Tam The Second Best Thing Since Sliced Bread.
Rozelle comforted Wee Tam after the horrific accident. She all but adopted him and, after the death if his Mother he and his sister Snowball came to live with her in Ramsay Garden. He served in World War II, was mentioned in despatches and rose to the rank of Major. On his demobilization he bought his own flat with a legacy from his old CO. Snowball married a Sliced Bread Manufacturer from Gorgie and now, long after her husband's death, and following her own, Major Gilbert still continues his twice-weekly visits, though, as The Widow MacCaroon has rightly surnised, to a Lady of The Night, who the Major, in his own mind, thinks of as The Third Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!
As Princess Margaret had a cold that day, and was confined withn The Palace, Pansy took her place on the balcony for the High Tea Salute which took place every afternoon at 4pm, when the Royal Family acknowledge the frevent applause from Their People, who have arrived for the daily distribution of Sliced Bread!
Pnsy befriended Wee Tam, a crippled boy from The Cowgate, who was soon her constant companion in the environs of Waverley Station, joined her in The Station Buffet and on the Platforms wher she spotted new Trains and gathered the attentions of her many fans and admirers, for whom she was The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread and declared Wee Tam The Second Best Thing Since Sliced Bread.
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