Sentence The Onehundredandeightyfifth 
As Teri reflected on her teenage years, collected by the Magpies of Shangri La, to be one of their performing Dolls, a memoriter who mouthed the pornographic litany for their arousal, struts and pirouettes, a Porn Star manqué (but, please, never manky, for, much used and abused, by these parvenu De Sades, she still has an innocence they never possessed, a spirit and a soul they never sullied) and Teri tries to tell the tale from her younger self's point of view: always under and looking up at a Man, her Master, or his friends who smell of money and power, but Teri knows her younger self did truly believe that her adoration for George Gill was reciprocated and it is only with the hindsight that years apart have given her, that the Teri of today can see the damage that was done and sheds a tear for lost innocence and youth.
As Teri reflected on her teenage years, collected by the Magpies of Shangri La, to be one of their performing Dolls, a memoriter who mouthed the pornographic litany for their arousal, struts and pirouettes, a Porn Star manqué (but, please, never manky, for, much used and abused, by these parvenu De Sades, she still has an innocence they never possessed, a spirit and a soul they never sullied) and Teri tries to tell the tale from her younger self's point of view: always under and looking up at a Man, her Master, or his friends who smell of money and power, but Teri knows her younger self did truly believe that her adoration for George Gill was reciprocated and it is only with the hindsight that years apart have given her, that the Teri of today can see the damage that was done and sheds a tear for lost innocence and youth.
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