Sentence The Onehundredandeightyseventh 
And Teri relaxed, for the first time since she'd seen George Gill's gloating face in the group of fat and contented Senior Councillors representing COSLA (The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities) in their conclave with her darling cousin, Ginger Goldfish, Scotland's Nationalist First Minister: and next to The Queen, the most important and powerful Woman in Scotland; “should I tell Ginger about George Gill?” she asked the empty room; “no,” came back the silent answer, “she'll only think you a dotterel, such a jejune twat, to make such a yonic sacrifice to Gill and his Cronies, when you were only 13, a child, a baby, when to them you were nothing more than a wooden doll, a sex toy, a puppet on a string, gyrating to their tune while all the while they were laughing at your pathetic gullability and thinking to themselve – 'we've got a right one here!'”
And Teri relaxed, for the first time since she'd seen George Gill's gloating face in the group of fat and contented Senior Councillors representing COSLA (The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities) in their conclave with her darling cousin, Ginger Goldfish, Scotland's Nationalist First Minister: and next to The Queen, the most important and powerful Woman in Scotland; “should I tell Ginger about George Gill?” she asked the empty room; “no,” came back the silent answer, “she'll only think you a dotterel, such a jejune twat, to make such a yonic sacrifice to Gill and his Cronies, when you were only 13, a child, a baby, when to them you were nothing more than a wooden doll, a sex toy, a puppet on a string, gyrating to their tune while all the while they were laughing at your pathetic gullability and thinking to themselve – 'we've got a right one here!'”
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