Sentence The Onehundredandeightyninth
As Sayid continued to delve into the business, political, personal and secret affairs of Mt George Gill, prominent businessman. Social climber, Grand Master of his local Lodge, benefactor of local and

national Charities for the Aid and Comfort of Destitute Children (and a very hands-on Patron indeed always happy to do backstage work at kids Fashion Shows, helping in the dressing rooms and

changing areas, perennial Father Christmas at a host of Bazaars and Children's Christmas Parties, never tired of having sticky-faced youngsters sitting in his lap and telling them what they hoped for, and he always promised to fill their stockings with goodies) and staunch supporter of a particular Football Club which is presently in a bit of a fix, but where he manfully helps out with the youth teams and is an exemplary Physio – having his Certificate of Excellence from an on-line Training Programme – with the Boys and Girls Primary Squads, never misses a Match and makes sure all the players are well warmed-up before, and cooled-down after every game, he began to see a pattern emerging which both widened and narrowed the ambit of his searches, he could bypass the bromides extolling Gill's self-sacrifices, exemplary character and indefatigable championing of Good Causes, and focus on the special umami of his tastes, they being particularly salty, and home in on the kernel of his debauchery – a fascination with, melting into an obsession for, girls on the cusp of puberty, having an uncanny sixth sense which could pick out twenty individuals from a hall full of 200 hundred, with ages ranging from 10-16, and he could point directly at those girls who have not yet

menstruated, but for whom that is imminent; of course, he didn't trumpet that gift, merely used it for his own benefit, quietly, unobtrusively, and to the full extent of his considerable imagination and abilities!
As Sayid continued to delve into the business, political, personal and secret affairs of Mt George Gill, prominent businessman. Social climber, Grand Master of his local Lodge, benefactor of local and
national Charities for the Aid and Comfort of Destitute Children (and a very hands-on Patron indeed always happy to do backstage work at kids Fashion Shows, helping in the dressing rooms and
changing areas, perennial Father Christmas at a host of Bazaars and Children's Christmas Parties, never tired of having sticky-faced youngsters sitting in his lap and telling them what they hoped for, and he always promised to fill their stockings with goodies) and staunch supporter of a particular Football Club which is presently in a bit of a fix, but where he manfully helps out with the youth teams and is an exemplary Physio – having his Certificate of Excellence from an on-line Training Programme – with the Boys and Girls Primary Squads, never misses a Match and makes sure all the players are well warmed-up before, and cooled-down after every game, he began to see a pattern emerging which both widened and narrowed the ambit of his searches, he could bypass the bromides extolling Gill's self-sacrifices, exemplary character and indefatigable championing of Good Causes, and focus on the special umami of his tastes, they being particularly salty, and home in on the kernel of his debauchery – a fascination with, melting into an obsession for, girls on the cusp of puberty, having an uncanny sixth sense which could pick out twenty individuals from a hall full of 200 hundred, with ages ranging from 10-16, and he could point directly at those girls who have not yet
menstruated, but for whom that is imminent; of course, he didn't trumpet that gift, merely used it for his own benefit, quietly, unobtrusively, and to the full extent of his considerable imagination and abilities!
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