Sentence The Onehundredandninetysixth

Compared with the youngsters he liked to employ, Martin Elginbrod may have been an oldster, but he was no mawkish 'golden oldie', for his cacoethes, his compulsion to amass money by whatever jiggery-pokery necessary, justified his image as the Hogen-Mogen, the Chief Honcho, the Genghis Khan of the Edinburgh Bar, and when he saw the picture which had been re-tweeted 7,528 times, he was “a bit like Krakatoa, East of Java,” as his Chief Clerk Riddle Rankine reported to the other members of The Justice League of Auld Reekie, and Sayid passed on in a kik to Dixie O'Hooligan as “he was blooming berserk,” with a smiley face attached, and that was when Dr Montgomery answered a call from His Man who simply said:“Gill's only gone fucking missing!”
Compared with the youngsters he liked to employ, Martin Elginbrod may have been an oldster, but he was no mawkish 'golden oldie', for his cacoethes, his compulsion to amass money by whatever jiggery-pokery necessary, justified his image as the Hogen-Mogen, the Chief Honcho, the Genghis Khan of the Edinburgh Bar, and when he saw the picture which had been re-tweeted 7,528 times, he was “a bit like Krakatoa, East of Java,” as his Chief Clerk Riddle Rankine reported to the other members of The Justice League of Auld Reekie, and Sayid passed on in a kik to Dixie O'Hooligan as “he was blooming berserk,” with a smiley face attached, and that was when Dr Montgomery answered a call from His Man who simply said:“Gill's only gone fucking missing!”
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