Sentence The Twohundredth

Teri heard the question and tried to think of the answer: “none, cos they're too busy screwing each other,” and the woman opposite her laughed; “I don't really get involved in jokes, they go in one ear and out the other,” and it was Teri's turn to laugh; “like a chimney cleaner's pole?” and the both nearly choked on their drinks; what a brabble, thought Teri, though her present convive was rather tasty, mmmm she can stroke my poplit any time; “and do you come her often? she asked and Teri's pupils widened like a camera's aperture on a dark night; “not so much as I'd like,” and she said this with such a smile that her face glowed like a googol of flashbulbs had just illuminated it; and they each reached across the table and let their fingers entwine and Teri read the other's badge: “Sooki!” and Sooki said “Teri!” and the bell took them by surprise and they only had time to swap their phone numbers before Sooki like a sad-eyed lamb, was edged out of her seat and forced to follow the others to the left; and Teri's new date was Gemma, who was a lecturer in Marketing at Heriot Watt and proceeded to fill the time allotted with a précis of her CV while Teri's eyes never left those of Sooki at the next table, and this continued until the end of the evening and they just had time for a slow
snog, a quick drink, and a taxi back to Teri’s apartment in Ramsay Garden – their arrival noted by The Widow MacCaroon as she sat by her window, binoculars fixed on the mirror opposite which gave her a perfect view of the comings and goings at the front door of their common stair, and she put down her pen with a “harrumph!” and continued her lonely vigil, for Major Gilbert had not yet returned from his Sister's!

Teri heard the question and tried to think of the answer: “none, cos they're too busy screwing each other,” and the woman opposite her laughed; “I don't really get involved in jokes, they go in one ear and out the other,” and it was Teri's turn to laugh; “like a chimney cleaner's pole?” and the both nearly choked on their drinks; what a brabble, thought Teri, though her present convive was rather tasty, mmmm she can stroke my poplit any time; “and do you come her often? she asked and Teri's pupils widened like a camera's aperture on a dark night; “not so much as I'd like,” and she said this with such a smile that her face glowed like a googol of flashbulbs had just illuminated it; and they each reached across the table and let their fingers entwine and Teri read the other's badge: “Sooki!” and Sooki said “Teri!” and the bell took them by surprise and they only had time to swap their phone numbers before Sooki like a sad-eyed lamb, was edged out of her seat and forced to follow the others to the left; and Teri's new date was Gemma, who was a lecturer in Marketing at Heriot Watt and proceeded to fill the time allotted with a précis of her CV while Teri's eyes never left those of Sooki at the next table, and this continued until the end of the evening and they just had time for a slow
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