The Fourhundredandfortyseventh

Which was how it
came to pass the Peter Boo WS arrived early, if not quite bright, at
Police Scotland (Borders) HQ in Hawick; for those who do not know it,
Hawick is a former centre of the Scottish Knitwear Industry, a town
with a proud heritage in the production of all forms of woollen
knitwear, from socks and gloves to cover the hands and feat, all the
way up to luxury cashmere, sold the world over; but now, like so many
former manufacturing towns throughout Britain, it has suffered from
the prolonged recession and has a gloomy aspect, made all the more
palpable from it's town centre being

low in the valley of the River
Teviot as it passes through to join the Tweed at Kelso; but the Cop
Shop isn't in the deeper part of the valley, it sits – just off the
A7 approach road – in a declivity below the housing estates of
Silverbuthall and Stirches which rise behind it, and Burnfoot, which
glares down from the hillside opposite; and here it was that his new
client sat waiting – an elderly man, some would – in his youth –
have described Ranulph Ochan'toshan as a 'Lad o' Pairts', a Scottish
term for a talented youngster, with many strings to his bow and the
world at his feet, perhaps still to choose which particular path to
pursue: born and christened plain Rab Tosh, he had never felt his
name a hindrance till his first poetry was published, in a monthly
Scots Magazine, when he experienced the first barbs of contempt from
critics who scorned the work of such a meanly-named young upstart –
which was when he transformed himself into Ranulph Ochan'toshan (a
nod to his birthplace at 17 Ochentoshan Terrace in Springburn,
Glasgow, just a stone's throw – and as a boy he threw with the best
and worst of them from the famous and now long-gone Railway Works,
where his father, Big Rab Tosh, was an engineer) and the world, as it
is said, was his Lobster! but success can bring it's own sorrows,
fame and fortune in early life can bring frenzy and futility hot on
one's heels, but Ochan'toshan paid no heed to the warnings of
soothsayers and expanded his career, with recordings, radio and then
television, where he had his own programme, the producers finding his
easy facility with words and charcoal appealed to a young audience
and so it was that he found

himself adored by mums and toddlers
alike; his records topped the charts, his books went into many
editions, and he was trailed, wherever he went, by his groupies;
being by nature a somewhat gnomic person, he was at first at a loss
to explain his feelings about his entourage – oh, he bedded many a
mum and sometimes three at a time, but though he found his erection
seemed to benefit from a kind of selenotropism, so night-time frolics
in a moonlit garden became a regular part of his pleasures, he

never a rapist, never even considered himself to be a seducer, never
forced himself upon anyone, preferring to be the one responding to
the other's advances, and he said – oh, much, much later than now,
oh yes, for this is far to early in our story – that it was the
children who began to move ever closer, to seek him out for cuddles,
then kisses, then other explorations with their 'wandering hands' and
when he will give this in his defence, everyone will see through the
tissue, the bubble, to the truth, that he was an unreconstructed
Predator, the kind who blames his victims for forcing themselves onto
him, poor man, unable to fight them off, and succumbing to their
ravishment of him; and that will be how his career, his identity, his
whole being – friend of Popes and Queens, of Presidents and Prime
Ministers, adored by the Nation, the Commonwealth, the World –
will, in time be decommissioned; or will it? for Peter Boo WS has
just arrived in Hawick, parked his car in the space allocated for
Legal Representatives, and is at this very minute walking towards the
entrance to

the Cop Shop: his Brief, to defend Ranulph Ochan'toshan
OBE and facilitate his release from custody and do his very damnedest
to prevent his client from being charged with anything other than
being the innocent victim of an over-zealous Police Scotland
operation which was based on fallacious information which had not
been checked properly and was not, as he had discovered on his
journey, supported by a properly issued Warrant to 'enter, search and
detain', and therefore, he would argue, an example of loutish and
brutal trampling over innocent civilians in a desperate and misguided
effort to improve the Crime Reports for this area! HA! Put that in
your Pipe and Smoke it!!
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