Sentence The Fourhundredandfortyeighth
Obeah is only a gnomic, but strangely jovial, North Sea Trawlerman's unmarried daughter,
But oh, my, goodness gracious me, her Bloomers is so sockdolager, the Sea Scouts want them for their Windsurfing World Record Attempt tomorrow!

Sentence The Fourhundredandfortyninth 
She was only the iconoclastic daughter of the gnomic Keeper of the Longstone Lighthouse,
But Grace Darling's flamboyant rescue of survivors from the shipwrecked Forfarshire brought her fame, fortune and fan-mail, although, sadly, the Postie had to stick several proposals of marriage in the nixie drawer, because it was impossible to deliver them to her at High Tide!

Sentence The Fourhundredandfiftieth
She was only a longhauler's probative daughter,
But, tweedled along in a liminal state, she eventually told the hearse driver, Mike, that she'd rather hike, or ride a bike, than listen to one more bar of The Dead March from Saul!

Sentence The Fourhundredandfiftyfirst
She was only a campestral cowherds daughter,
But the gust with which she performed her jobbery as Gnome Secretary till the cows come home made her the ideal choice to succeed Dodgy Dave as Prime Minister!

Sentence The Fourhundredandfiftysecond
She was ostensibly a mad scientist's daughter,
But one morning, luxuriously natant in her bath, and discovering the lost pentaquark, she was hailed by the vox populi as the best thing since Marie Curie's sliced bread and is now a fixture on Day-Time TV!

Sentence The Fourhundredandfiftythird
I am only a minister's daughter; my father, at home in his fane - The Lord's House - cared naught for a puissant, powerful life, for riches, éclat, or fame; he taught me to value ethics, morality, honesty, decency, truth, simplicity, beauty and Light - and never to walk away from a fight; a principled man, who knew life was tough, but who bore it with calm stoicism, he never flinched, never ran, never blamed, never railed, just accepted his lot, in fact he wouldn't shout if a shark bit him: but me? I'd howl and bawl and scream and roar and roll in the floor and right out the door and grab a sledgehammer and bash it's fucking brains out!

Sentence The Fourhundredandfiftyfourth
She was only an arable farmer's outdoorsy daughter;
But when the milkmaid made an animadversional comment on her bahooky, she ostracised the outspoken wench with the pithy retort: "ye're fired, ye lactatin auld hoor!"

Sentence The Fourhundredandfiftyfifth 
She was only a traveller in an arable land,
A student of zoosemiotics:
Who suddenly noticed a cow had stopped mooing,
In the midst of it's morning balletics!
A caesura, she wondered, that flaxen haired lass,
As she gazed o'er the wide valley floor,
A hiccup, forsooth, I will let that one pass,
And listen to spot any more;
But then she observed, a mighty Bull rear,
And muscle rip over his bulk;
And as he advanced and his lover drew near,
He preened like a great Bovine Hulk;
She perched on a stile and watched the advance,
And while sitting up high on that stile,
She couldn't but notice from her vantage point,
That this Bull was a well-hung Gentile!


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