Sentence The Twohundredandfourteenth

In the crepuscular light of the inner tunnels, where occasional tallow torches shed a smoky glow through the gloom, Bernie noticed that Tammy had developed a nictitation - rapid blinking, seemingly involuntary - probably a result of the attempted garrotting which had left a vicious weal around her neck, but her grip on life was tenacious and, when she described the incidents immediately prior to The Man's brutal throttling of her, Bernie wished she could toast her lover's admirable resilience in something more Lucullan than spring-water from the Cavern's own reserves – it seemed that alcohol had not yet been invented and Bernie wondered if that might be worth addressing and a legacy she could bestow on future generations!
In the crepuscular light of the inner tunnels, where occasional tallow torches shed a smoky glow through the gloom, Bernie noticed that Tammy had developed a nictitation - rapid blinking, seemingly involuntary - probably a result of the attempted garrotting which had left a vicious weal around her neck, but her grip on life was tenacious and, when she described the incidents immediately prior to The Man's brutal throttling of her, Bernie wished she could toast her lover's admirable resilience in something more Lucullan than spring-water from the Cavern's own reserves – it seemed that alcohol had not yet been invented and Bernie wondered if that might be worth addressing and a legacy she could bestow on future generations!
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