Sentence The Twohundredandthirtysixth

The exhilarated WPC Isa Urquhart rolled away from the slumbering body of her bedmate and answered her mobile, as she pandiculated to losen her neck muscles – it was a call from DI Brevity and he sounded anxious: “Oh, Isa, I'm sorry to disturb you at this time of the night, or morning, but we've just got the DNA results back from Carolina Moonbeam – the blood you found in the Milking Parlour has been provisionally identified as that of Assistant Chief Constable Duncan Doubleday, and indicate a high level of bibulation, so he may not be sober – which could account for the crash, together with the injuries which may have preceded it; I've been trying for the last couple of hours to trace him; we've called and visited his home, but his wife seems to have left him and we only found a young girl there who doesn't speak English, so we're hoping to find a translator – but we don't yet know what language she is speaking; we found his own car in Morningside, and the Forensic Science Department are all over it as we speak; we're trying to track his movements through his mobile, which seems to have disappeared from the map and – oh, there's no easy way to say this, Isa: I need you here, to co-ordinate that exercise, you're the best bloodhound we've got, can you come in?” And Isa turned to look at the sleeping Meg, who stirred slightly and rolled towards her, eyes suddenly

open and a big smile on her face; “half an hour, Guv, that's all I need and I'll head straight in,” “and see if you can rouse Gertie, she's not answering her mobile, will you?” and Isa let her gaze move to the other two sleepers in the bed, who made up the coterie which had thoroughly colligated during the night; Gertie was pressed up against the magnificent bulk of Bess's bosom, “I think I know where

she is, Guv, I'll rouse her and bring her with me,” and she could hear Brevity relax: “pure dead brilliant, Isa, you're Wonder Woman!” and Isa smiled to herself, and thought: “I'm not the only one!”
The exhilarated WPC Isa Urquhart rolled away from the slumbering body of her bedmate and answered her mobile, as she pandiculated to losen her neck muscles – it was a call from DI Brevity and he sounded anxious: “Oh, Isa, I'm sorry to disturb you at this time of the night, or morning, but we've just got the DNA results back from Carolina Moonbeam – the blood you found in the Milking Parlour has been provisionally identified as that of Assistant Chief Constable Duncan Doubleday, and indicate a high level of bibulation, so he may not be sober – which could account for the crash, together with the injuries which may have preceded it; I've been trying for the last couple of hours to trace him; we've called and visited his home, but his wife seems to have left him and we only found a young girl there who doesn't speak English, so we're hoping to find a translator – but we don't yet know what language she is speaking; we found his own car in Morningside, and the Forensic Science Department are all over it as we speak; we're trying to track his movements through his mobile, which seems to have disappeared from the map and – oh, there's no easy way to say this, Isa: I need you here, to co-ordinate that exercise, you're the best bloodhound we've got, can you come in?” And Isa turned to look at the sleeping Meg, who stirred slightly and rolled towards her, eyes suddenly
open and a big smile on her face; “half an hour, Guv, that's all I need and I'll head straight in,” “and see if you can rouse Gertie, she's not answering her mobile, will you?” and Isa let her gaze move to the other two sleepers in the bed, who made up the coterie which had thoroughly colligated during the night; Gertie was pressed up against the magnificent bulk of Bess's bosom, “I think I know where
she is, Guv, I'll rouse her and bring her with me,” and she could hear Brevity relax: “pure dead brilliant, Isa, you're Wonder Woman!” and Isa smiled to herself, and thought: “I'm not the only one!”
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