Sentence The Twohundredandtenth

“Ah-choo! oops, sorry for that bit of consternutation, Lovey, now, where were we? oh yes, this 'inarticulate mortice'? is that a ruddy lock wivout a tongue? cause if it is, we're gonna be busted, Matey, we def-in-ately ain't not got one o' them 'ere, no way an' if you can prove I'm a liar, I'll let you 'ave it 'alf-price, can't say fairer than that now, can I? an' calling me 'de sultry one' ain't gonna 'prove your chances one, little, teeny, tiny, bit 'cause we've got mangles wiv angles, an' bangles wot jangles, we've got brushes wiv bristles, an' 'ammers, an' chisels, we've got tyres wivout treads, and springs for old beds, we've got lamp stands, an' saw bands, and fingerless gloves for all sizes of 'ands - but, yes, we ain't gone Bananas, nor got locks wivout tongues in 'em too!”
“Ah-choo! oops, sorry for that bit of consternutation, Lovey, now, where were we? oh yes, this 'inarticulate mortice'? is that a ruddy lock wivout a tongue? cause if it is, we're gonna be busted, Matey, we def-in-ately ain't not got one o' them 'ere, no way an' if you can prove I'm a liar, I'll let you 'ave it 'alf-price, can't say fairer than that now, can I? an' calling me 'de sultry one' ain't gonna 'prove your chances one, little, teeny, tiny, bit 'cause we've got mangles wiv angles, an' bangles wot jangles, we've got brushes wiv bristles, an' 'ammers, an' chisels, we've got tyres wivout treads, and springs for old beds, we've got lamp stands, an' saw bands, and fingerless gloves for all sizes of 'ands - but, yes, we ain't gone Bananas, nor got locks wivout tongues in 'em too!”
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