Sentence The Twohundredandnineteenth

The magnanimous WPC Isa Urquhart felt that, despite her adventitious apprehension of the dewy-eyed person claiming to be both Dr Frangible Arbuthnot – of whom she had certainly heard, even corresponded with by email regarding his developments of the Rorschach Tests, but never encountered in person – and The Gadfly – for who in the Scottish Crime and it's Detection World, together with the related spheres of Law and Justice, Philosophy and Religion, Fine Art and Quantum Mechanics, had not heard of this semi-mythical Super Hero who had unmasked so many of the most dastardly figures inhabiting that Dark and Immoral Sphere of Influence which trades on human misery and the corruption of so many Souls? - and she now felt herself to be in a Catch-22: for by unmasking (as it were, though he presently wore no mask) The Gadfly, she could in fact put his very life in danger, not to mention the incalculable damage unleashed upon the forces of Laura Norder - so named after the previous-but-one Lord Chief Justice, Lady Laura Norder of Kilmardinny - and to what beneficial end; but should he have information pertinent to the Case of The Car in the Bushes, was it not her duty to investigate him with all the incredible and esoteric powers at her disposal? and so she hummed a merry ditty from The Pirates of Penzance as she drove to The Cowgate and Grassmarket Community Policing Hub by the rather circuitous and scenic route, at this very moment taking herself and her passenger past Seton Sands and heading towards North Berwick!
The magnanimous WPC Isa Urquhart felt that, despite her adventitious apprehension of the dewy-eyed person claiming to be both Dr Frangible Arbuthnot – of whom she had certainly heard, even corresponded with by email regarding his developments of the Rorschach Tests, but never encountered in person – and The Gadfly – for who in the Scottish Crime and it's Detection World, together with the related spheres of Law and Justice, Philosophy and Religion, Fine Art and Quantum Mechanics, had not heard of this semi-mythical Super Hero who had unmasked so many of the most dastardly figures inhabiting that Dark and Immoral Sphere of Influence which trades on human misery and the corruption of so many Souls? - and she now felt herself to be in a Catch-22: for by unmasking (as it were, though he presently wore no mask) The Gadfly, she could in fact put his very life in danger, not to mention the incalculable damage unleashed upon the forces of Laura Norder - so named after the previous-but-one Lord Chief Justice, Lady Laura Norder of Kilmardinny - and to what beneficial end; but should he have information pertinent to the Case of The Car in the Bushes, was it not her duty to investigate him with all the incredible and esoteric powers at her disposal? and so she hummed a merry ditty from The Pirates of Penzance as she drove to The Cowgate and Grassmarket Community Policing Hub by the rather circuitous and scenic route, at this very moment taking herself and her passenger past Seton Sands and heading towards North Berwick!
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