Sentence The Twohundredandeighteenth
When the emergency services arrived – first, an Ambulance, which followed the route of the car which had ploughed through the hedge, across the field to the car where it stood, nose first in the bushes; next a Fire Engine which took that route also; and then a Police Panda which followed the other two; and before The Gadfly could follow, a SOCO Van which blocked the gap in the hedge, and just like a birdsmouth in the carpentry of constructing beams and rafters, acted as a birdsmouth to prevent unwonted movement around the opening which also became definably closed with yellow

'Crime Scene' tape; and it was then that Dr Frangible Arbuthnot noticed that the cows were gone, that there were no signs that they had even been present, and that as the SOCOs made their way towards the car, carrying their bags and boxes of cameras, rulers and evidence bags, a couple looking quite camelious, having their backs laden with tents and protective clothing, one of the uniformed WPCs from the Panda was hurrying back towards him and he began to realise that all was not as it had been;

the insouciant WPC Isa Urquhart invited The Gadfly to sit with her in his car and he noticed that she sat in the driver's seat (of his car, and removed his keys from the ignition) and asked him to explain exactly what had happened and writing down in her notebook exactly what he told her had happened; and he began to feel like the hapless accused in a kangaroo court; after which she asked him, with that casual inscrutability for which she is highly esteemed by the Justiciary of Edinburgh, why he was wearing a Pink Tutu and nothing else, he informed her that as well as being Dr Frangible Arbuthnot of Edinburgh University and a member of Professor Carolina Moonbeam's Forensic Science Department, highly regarded for the development of that department's particular and quite revolutionary adaptations of the Rorschach Test which had helped the Constabulary to apprehend many malefactors and practitioners of malfeasance, and a renowned logophile in his own right – said rather primly with his hands on his bare knees and it was all the naturally humorous WPC could do to

maintain her professional sternness – he was also The Gadfly, Edinburgh's own Super Hero which was when WPC Urquhart cautioned him, produced her handcuffs and fastened them around his wrists and radioed to The Cowgate and Grassmarket Community Policing Hub that she had a suspect in custody and would bring him in straight away!
When the emergency services arrived – first, an Ambulance, which followed the route of the car which had ploughed through the hedge, across the field to the car where it stood, nose first in the bushes; next a Fire Engine which took that route also; and then a Police Panda which followed the other two; and before The Gadfly could follow, a SOCO Van which blocked the gap in the hedge, and just like a birdsmouth in the carpentry of constructing beams and rafters, acted as a birdsmouth to prevent unwonted movement around the opening which also became definably closed with yellow
'Crime Scene' tape; and it was then that Dr Frangible Arbuthnot noticed that the cows were gone, that there were no signs that they had even been present, and that as the SOCOs made their way towards the car, carrying their bags and boxes of cameras, rulers and evidence bags, a couple looking quite camelious, having their backs laden with tents and protective clothing, one of the uniformed WPCs from the Panda was hurrying back towards him and he began to realise that all was not as it had been;
the insouciant WPC Isa Urquhart invited The Gadfly to sit with her in his car and he noticed that she sat in the driver's seat (of his car, and removed his keys from the ignition) and asked him to explain exactly what had happened and writing down in her notebook exactly what he told her had happened; and he began to feel like the hapless accused in a kangaroo court; after which she asked him, with that casual inscrutability for which she is highly esteemed by the Justiciary of Edinburgh, why he was wearing a Pink Tutu and nothing else, he informed her that as well as being Dr Frangible Arbuthnot of Edinburgh University and a member of Professor Carolina Moonbeam's Forensic Science Department, highly regarded for the development of that department's particular and quite revolutionary adaptations of the Rorschach Test which had helped the Constabulary to apprehend many malefactors and practitioners of malfeasance, and a renowned logophile in his own right – said rather primly with his hands on his bare knees and it was all the naturally humorous WPC could do to
maintain her professional sternness – he was also The Gadfly, Edinburgh's own Super Hero which was when WPC Urquhart cautioned him, produced her handcuffs and fastened them around his wrists and radioed to The Cowgate and Grassmarket Community Policing Hub that she had a suspect in custody and would bring him in straight away!
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