Sentence The Threehundredandseventyeighth

Teri and Siobhan
slept late after their night's exertions and so didn't know about the
snow that had fallen until Teri opened the curtains at about 10.30am
– the North Hill was white and in the garden below she noticed that
the Syrian children had built a snowman, under the guidance of Aunt

it wore a top hat and a kilt, though Teri had no idea where
Maude could have obtained those, probably from one of the boxes of
jumble in the loft and she felt a sadness that these children and
their parents had been forced to leave everything behind them while
their country was being torn apart by a group driven by culturicide –
quite nihilistic; Teri went down to the kitchen, where Auntie Crist
was making pancakes and scones for the children, and brought coffee
and toast with peanut butter up for Siobhan and herself to eat in
bed; the puckish cub reporter was full of questions about

Tammy and Bernie, and Teri did her best to answer them – as to
where they would hope to go in 12
th Century Edinburgh,
Teri had only the vaguest idea: “well,” she said, “they might
be looking for Sister Evadne Eglantine, we believe that she had been
held prisoner by Sir Parlane MacFarlane, so they might intend to free
her, according to all the history books, she died in chains in an
oubliette under MacFarlane's house in the High Street, but we now
know that his mysterious death in Melrose was caused by my uncle
Tavish, and he is an inveterate searcher for the truth, though where
he can look we don't know; but there were also various Dumbiedykes,
Lyttletons, Somervilles, Urquharts and other ancestors of our family
already residing in the city, most of whom would, I believe, be happy
to tackle the likes of the unctuous Lawyer Elginbrod and others of
MacFarlane's cronies and I think that Tavish intends to make contact
with them, and that he has two purposes in mind – to destroy this
Order of The Golden Ring – MacFarlane
and Doubleday he has already dealt with and I imagine that he won't
be satisfied until he has eliminated the rest – of course, there is
no guarantee that he will succeed, and the ramifications could be
widespread: if he kills any, as he has already killed MacFarlane and
Doubleday, obviously they
will have no
further children, no
descendants, and it is
impossible to know how any further deaths will affect succeeding
generations; and how is history affected anyway? perhaps what we
already know is the result of Tavish's work, or if some of what we
know will change, because he hasn't yet – in that time – struck
the blow; perhaps we should keep an eye on the Ingmarsson family and
see if there are changes there, either in the details about the
family, or our own memories: can you access the piece Tammy wrote
about them
last year? and
Siobhan set to work on her laptop, which, luckily, she had
brought in last night,
because it would have been a shame, Teri felt, if her new
young lover had needed to go
out in the blizzard which made everyone feel quite Christmassy but
also very cold!
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