The Threehundredandseventythird

Roxy Davidova was
still in bed, with Lizzie Bennett, when her mobile buzzed and
screeched like a bandersnatch; she found it, underneath Lizzie, who
was giggling with surprise at the strange noise and tickly sensation,
but clapped a hand over her mouth, while Roxy took the call: “Roxy,
it's Isa, Gordon has asked me to make a very important and special
request to you – and Lizzie,” Roxy's eyes widened, dreading a
request that she give him a litany on
Macroeconomics for Dummies
– but as she listened to her expression changed through
desperation, pacification, expectation, acclamation and

realisation! “oh, Isa, of course we will – wait, I haven't asked
her, are you sure it will be safe? what if it's distressing? what
might be found there? oh. I see, of course – let me ask her,”
and, covering the phone, she looked intently at Lizzie, “oh my
dearest, that was my cousin, you've met her, the exemplary WPC Isa
Urquhart, with a special request – would you feel yourself able to
descend into The Cavern and see if you recognise anything? it's a big
ask, I know, but I would go with you, it's perfectly safe, there's
nothing gimcrack about the operation, and they have already explored
it with a robot and seen what was sent to them on-screen from it's
camera, but because you lived there, you would know if there were
differences from what you remember, what do you think?” and
Lizzie's eyes pooled with tears which began coursing down her cheeks,
and Roxy wrapped her in her arms and crooned to her, for what seemed
like an age, then remembered her phone and picking it up, offered it
to Lizzie, who tentatively held it to her face as she had seen Roxy
do: “hello?” she queried, surprised to hear the voice, almost as
if Isa was in the room with them, “Lizzie, are you all right with
what we are asking you to do?” and Lizzie surprised herself with
the confidence in her own
voice: “yes, WPC Isa Urquhart, I will do
as you ask, along with Roxy,” and she heard Isa whoop with delight
and she handed the phone back to Roxy for the two cousins to make the
logistical arrangements.
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