The Threehundredandseventysixth

By about mid-day
they had reached a sheltered copse, ideal for an
lunch on such a frabjous day,
but they only had
a few pie-crusts and a small skin of a rather sickly wine, all that
Brother Bede had been able to give them before their rather rushed
departure from the Abbey; and
sitting here they could see, on the western side of the valley
that they had been skirting, a sturdy tower which Tammy recognised:
“I wrote a piece about that place in
The Scotsman:
Blainslie Tower, the
present owner's
family – I mean in 2015, when
I wrote it, not now – have
lived in it since 1015, a thousand years, it's an incredible thought,
before the Norman's came; it
pre-dates Traquair as the oldest, continuously inhabited house in
Scotland, but being on a lesser scale than Traquair, it's been
outshone for the most eminent
position, but lovely nonetheless; I
remember that the family
name sounded Scandinavian, Norse, Viking I suppose, he
was the perfect host, charming, witty, though his wife seemed very
passive, which I just put down to the effort of
up such an old and
surprisingly large house with
just a couple of daily staff,
and all their
children, too, I guess,”
and Tavish added that among their ancestors they included “horse
and cattle thieves, a protection racket more extensive and lucrative
than anything the Krays had,
intelligencers for the Kings of Scotland, kidnappers, murderers –
one of them acted for MacBeth more than once, and then turned his
coat and helped MacDuff overthrow his former employer – oh,
and it was one of the Ingmarssons and his family who created the
meaning for the term
Blackmail as we use it
today, turning it from a reference to the chain armour common at the
time into the word used internationally for coercion and extortion
through possession of a secret that the victim is so scared of being
broadcast that he, or she, will pay through the nose, sometimes for
years, their entire life, to keep it a secret;
another . . . . . but I am
getting carried way with my story, see, here, I took this satchel
from the stable, it belonged to Sir Parlane MacFarlane and
other interesting things, it contains a list of the Founder Members
of The Order of The Golden Ring:
they are all there – MacFarlane and Doubleday, Martin Elginbrod,
Father Pandelion
Gillyfeather, Abbot of Melrose, and see here, Tammy, this name . . .
. .” and Tammy gave a start, put her hand to her mouth, turned and
was violently sick, while Bernie held her safe and whispered to her;
at length Tammy looked up at her father: “and the present Laird?”
and Tavish replied, “Sir Quentin Ingmarsson? oh yes, he's in The
Ring in our time, I don't think
there have been many generations without the Ingmarssons
participation in that little
nest of vipers, and Tammy straightened: “I
stayed the night with them, they were a lovely family, six children,
three of their own
and three adopted,” and Tavish snarled, “aye,
from Thailand – I've been working on that, too: he succeeded his
father as Ambassador to Thailand, and I believe that between the pair
of them they built up the biggest chain of under-age brothels in
the country, all hidden by layers of middle-men, Thais, of course,
but you could say – I do anyway – that the whole Ladyboy
was their idea - their project - to
embrace the Thai Buddhist acceptance of sexuality and gender
identity, the
Kathoey, that concept of a 'third sex', neither male
nor female, give it gloss and spin
and marketed
it to the West; add in
prostitutes who are under the age of consent in every country in the
West or – the beauty of their concept - look it, even
though they might be much older
and so,
through their industry, they
made Sex Tourism
what it is today,” Tammy bent over again and Bernie held her as she
retched and spat out puke; she looked up at her father, eyes
questioning him: “is there anything we can do?” and he nodded,
not right now, we're pretty ill-equipped and it's near enough to
Melrose for word to reach them soon enough about MacFarlane and
Doubleday, maybe already, I'm sure the Abbot will have sent out
messengers; for now, the next
few days, I think, our best
plan is to head for Edinburgh, make contact with people we might
trust – hey, you forget that we are also descendants of some pretty
formidable folk and I think we can convince them, or some of them, of
our identities, which should help keep us safe from arrest and
hanging, listen – although
our knowledge of what lies ahead for people we may meet in this
period might seem to give us an advantage, omniscient we ain't and we
will still have to keep our wits about us,”
and he hugged his two
companions, Tammy, his daughter, and Bernie, her lover and his niece
also, “the three Musketeers,” he laughed, “'all for one, and
one for all' and though I may
not have legs to match your youthful ones for energy and stamina,
we have a responsibility to
the future and must play our part”
and they joined him in the handclasp and, with one more look at the
imposing Tower, Tammy followed Tavish and Bernie as they trudged
northwards, ever keeping an ear open for the sound of any pursuit!
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