Sentence The Twohundredandfortieth
And after gleefully shooting his seed into the Doxy he had requisitioned as atonement for dousing him in a night-soil piss potful of urine and faeces. Sir Parlane MacFarlane was ready for his delayed Breakfast of salted porridge, followed by smoked herring and then a dish of soft-boiled quail’s eggs, while one of the House-maids knelt beneath his table, between his legs, which were hung over her shoulders so that by either squeezing or relaxing, he could communicate his desires to her as she sucked his cock throughout the meal; and while she sucked, Sir Parlane munched and supped and
talked to His Man, Dominic Doubleday, positioned just behind his right shoulder – from which place Doubleday could observe his wife at her work beneath the table, and contemplated her skills – which made her their Master's favourite - which brought security to their employment, cemented by the nights she so often spent in Sir Parlane's bed and which, Doubleday fervently hoped, might bring a child, a blessed Son perhaps, which would set them up secure for life – for there was no sign of Lady MacFarlane bearing a son and heir, for her quarters were on the floor above her Lord's and at the opposite side of the House, in the part which she shared with the servants, which was not strange in a Household of their Class – indeed Doubleday had studied the etymology and usage of the noun 'Wife' and did not see any clear application to either Marie or Lady MacFarlane, neither of whom had intimate relations with their husbands and both of whom were 'known' after the Bible by Serving Wenches, although Sir Parlane's Member was extolled by Ladies of Rank throughout the City and widely discussed in their salons with their friends, most of whom, it was widely believed, and, Doubleday knew, rightly so, had accommodated it; why, indeed, at that very moment, down in a fine Tower hard by Holy Rude, The Lady Egbertha Umpherston was just discussing with her good friend and confidant, Clotilda MacCaroon, the change which she had noted came into the eyes of Sir Parlane at the moment of orgasm when they darkened from their normal ice-blue to a deep viridity approaching that of the very Emerald she wore in a brooch at her throat, perhaps, we may suppose, in memory of that very occasion which gave birth to Lord Umpherston's Eldest Son and Heir to the Title and Estates of the Umpherston Family and whose own eyes were of a most marked ice-blue while his features bore no discernible resemblance to Lord Umpherston himself; and their, (we are back with Sir Parlane and Marie Doubleday) entanglements gave Doubleday freedom to pursue his own interest in young girls – there were a number in the house, to whom the propinquity of living all hugger-mugger in such a Household gave him, by added virtue of his own role as Sir Parlane's Man, ample opportunity and easy access, and all of whom he fucked regularly, along with the scullery-maids and small slaveys from the neighbouring Houses, not that anyone would have objected, for these wenches were made only for skivvying and being fucked quite regardless of their age for recall, if you will, that this was a dark period in the History of our Country and it's Peoples when childhood did not exist, when children were only small adults and for the poor, work began as soon as they could walk and follow orders (recall that, even in a much later time, Little Boy Blue, the first printed version of which was in circa 1744 although it was probably known in Shakespeare's time, was about 5 years old and our present tale is set in far less civilised and enlightened times than his) and, when older, bringing more of their kind into being and service; why, surely it is a known fact that among the mediaeval Aristocracy, Nobility and Gentry, even down to the Merchant Classes too, a young Gentleman would give up his virginity to a nominated Maid of the House when he was perhaps 10 or 12, depending upon his maturity, always on the strictest understanding that no child borne of such an act of union would ever be acknowledged or accepted and that if she acquiesced appropriately and demurely, the Mother and Child would always have a place with the family; but back to Doubleday for he now saw that Sir Parlane had finished his meal, set down his knife and spoon and patted Marie on her head, which was the sign for her to release the rampant cock from her mouth, turn around, lifting her skirts and aprons and present her rump; parting her cheeks for Sir Parlane to insert his
member (to her cunt, Doubleday was pleased to see, rather than her arse) and she began, balancing on hands and knees, to swing her body forward and back, until Sir Parlane grasped her buttocks and pulled them hard to him, so that his cock was driven deep into her; his body stiffened, he gave out a long sigh of satisfaction as his seed was pumped into her; “aaaah! that was a good one, Dominic, I think it's time for work.” and he pulled out of Marie, wiped his cock with a napkin and pushed it back into his hose; Dominic Doubleday allowed himself a brief nod of appreciation to Marie and helped his Master to his feet.
And after gleefully shooting his seed into the Doxy he had requisitioned as atonement for dousing him in a night-soil piss potful of urine and faeces. Sir Parlane MacFarlane was ready for his delayed Breakfast of salted porridge, followed by smoked herring and then a dish of soft-boiled quail’s eggs, while one of the House-maids knelt beneath his table, between his legs, which were hung over her shoulders so that by either squeezing or relaxing, he could communicate his desires to her as she sucked his cock throughout the meal; and while she sucked, Sir Parlane munched and supped and

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