Sentence The Twohundredandfiftythird
Now, as it happens, Genghis McCann, the Dentist, was rather prone to cherry-picking his patients, paying special attention to those of whom his knowledge, whether acquired in the general clishmaclavers of local gossip, or the high-quality product he obtained from Timmy Poorless and his photo-reconnaissance in the byways of the river valley village, in which seamy waters his natural natatorial gifts made him an adept swimmer, held out promises of desires satisfied; but he had no time for the parsimonious, “whatever the state of their gnashers or size of their knockers (a reference to either mammaries in a woman or testes in a man – ed) they can keep their rusty little coppers and find themselves an NHS Grubber to do the work,” which his long-time companion, lover and partner, Dr Christopher Lees found rather inclined towards a fascist model of Healthcare, and pointedly neglected to pour a cup of tea or coffee for Genghis while he was in full flow – unless, of course, he was in full flow in their delightful bed-chamber with its floral print duvet set, matching the canopy slung from the four posts which cornered the bed, and which posts were very conveniently placed when it came to restraining Chris, arms and legs akimbo, when Genghis decided that impalement should be the education of choice to be employed when lesser mortals needed put in their place, and beneath him was, very definitely, figuratively, and quite literally, the best possible place for Doctor Christopher Machiavelli Lees!

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