Sentence The Twohundredandsixtyfirst
And as he gently laid her down upon her bed, her face festooned with kisses, demonstrating his blatant, exorbitant, obsessional desire to possess her body and soul and that he was no pinchbeck libertine, no sciolist in the art and science of seduction, but rather the peak, the pinnacle, the throbbing ultimate in the pleasuring of womankind, she melted as all others before her had and the rest would follow, and while his tongue was still exploring her sweet scented and almond flavoured
mouth, his fingers had deftly discovered her twin nipples and had her in thrall to their ability to send electric tingles from those swollen rosebuds right down through her abdomen to her vaginal mussels which swirled and, softly dewed, enabled his gondola's smooth passage deep into her Grand Canal where, his forward motion matching her lapping waves, she soon reached an ecstasy she had never thought possible, only to find herself taken further yet, rising upon an acqua alta of Venetian proportions until she crashed upon a silver strand and found herself, still clad in sodden garments, entangled in his limbs and impaled upon his engorged member as it pounded her into that numbed, dreamless sleep of the wpell and truly Fucked (editor's note: what a load of old cobblers!)!
And as he gently laid her down upon her bed, her face festooned with kisses, demonstrating his blatant, exorbitant, obsessional desire to possess her body and soul and that he was no pinchbeck libertine, no sciolist in the art and science of seduction, but rather the peak, the pinnacle, the throbbing ultimate in the pleasuring of womankind, she melted as all others before her had and the rest would follow, and while his tongue was still exploring her sweet scented and almond flavoured

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