Sentence The Twohundredandfiftyninth
“Thon's a richt ticht ram-rod ye've got therr,” said Goldilocks, as Doubleday lay atop and deep within her small body, and she smiled and her honest and open features glowed with pleasure; “ye're muckle mair endowed than oor Maister, wha's but a quoz, a dry auld stick, tho' a richt rich yin, ye ken, an' nae gastronome; it's purrich, or gruel's aboot a' he sups oan, so oo dinnae fare ower better,” and Doubleday, separating her words, complete with apologetic apostrophes an English Editor might give them to make them appear mere contractions, seized on the one that had piqued his interest: “ye're a Teri, then, ma Dearie?” and she beamed, “hoo'd ye ken? whaur div 'ee cumfae?” and though he felt it rather invidious to draw attention to her dialect, lest she feel embarrassed about it, said: “you say oo, and I say we, I say you, and you say 'ee, I've always rather liked it,” and she squeezed her thighs and vaginal mussels tight around his Cock and said,”woo hoo, yoo hoo, gonnae gie's anutha doo hoo, noo hoo,” and he required no further invitation but began to fuck her properly, considering the first time as having been more of an introduction, a greeting, a howd'ee do, preparatory to a deeper and more
intimate intercourse.

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