Sentence The Sixhundredandninetyseventh

Which was when Bernie caught sight of a poster advertising the charms and abilities of
Teenie fae Troon! a petite, nubile girl identical in form to the known victims of the oxymoronic Chic Cowcaddens, almost perfectly formed to attract the interest and attentions of that serial rapist of young girls; "yes," muttered Bernie, "an obvious target for him," and he hurried back towards the Café and soon met up with Sadie, whom he soon told of his discoveries: "so we are going to the
Empire tonight, to keep a watch for the presence of that monster!" as they sat in the Café again, Bernie related the conversation which had taken place and described the reactions of Mrs Singer: "she doesn't like some of the 'guests' her employer brings to the house," said Sadie, who then told him of her discussion with Betty: "I do think I can get closer to her," she continued, "she doesn't seem to have anyone else to confide in, probably doesn't trust the other staff, and may have good reason for that, and if our knowledge of Doubleday, in his latest incarnation, is anything to go by, the 'alow-stairs slavey', young Gracie Westwater, would be in ideal target for his depraved intentions;" and Bernie agreed, adding: "and the frequent visits by AKA will play a part in all that: the house must be awash with testosterone, and we don't know anything about the part played by the Driver/Handyman, Jimmy Tough; I need to find out more about him – I don't see Elginbrod employing a man whose behaviour doesn't in some way mirror his own, after all, he will need to have some kind of hold over him, to ensure absolute loyalty, doesn't Shakespeare say something about keeping friends close and enemies even closer?" to which Sadie, sipping her tea and looking at him over the rim of her cup, asked: "what about frenemies?" causing Bernie to splutter with laughter on his coffee: "probably keep a good grip but hold them at arm's length, so you can see the knife they're trying to stick in your back!" and it was Sadie's turn to laugh, then ask: "what's next then? we've got most of the day before we need to go to the
Empire, and I need a break from head-scratching," and Bernie reached out for her hand: "perhaps we should go back to yours and plan our campaign and maybe . . . . ." and Sadie squeezed his hand back, ". . . . . have some R and R?" at which he grinned, and said: "I was thinking more of S, E and X!"
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