Sentence The Sixhundredandninetysixth

"I'll follow them," said Bernie, getting to his feet and slipping a ten-bob note onto the table, "you pay and get the change, then follow me at a discreet distance, I don't want us to be seen together," and as she nodded, Sadie had the distinct feeling that she had just lost a day of her life! how? why? it was so strange, but before she had time to mention it, Bernie was out the door, and by the time she was on the pavement, she could just see him quite far ahead, but she knew his form so intimately, that it was easy-peasy to follow him; for his part, Bernie kept to the same pace as his pair of quarries, and when they paused outside the music shop, where a small crowd had gathered, intent upon the activity inside – where Bernie knew Harry Lauder had been announced to be present flacking his new show at the
Hippodrome – he was able to approach closer, adopting the bedside manner of a consultant wishing to put his patient at ease, he did this by casually enquiring of the pair if they knew the date of the production being promoted; Cowcaddens, an inveterate womaniser, had placed his arm proprietorially around Mrs Singer, an action which Bernie could see was unwelcome, though she clearly felt unable to protest, the man being her employer's guest, gave Bernie an appraising look, then said: "ah prefer they anes at the
Empire, wi aw the lassies!" and Bernie clearly saw the cook/housekeeper's disapproval; "a bit garish for me," he said, and the other man laughed: "och, come on pal, ye'll no be averse tae a bit o' leg!" and this was too much for Mrs Singer who, pulling herself away from Cowcaddens' grip, set off alone along the street; "I'm sorry if I've caused any problems between you and your missus," said Bernie, disingenuously: "that auld bat," said Cowcaddens, vehemently, "ah wudnae tak hur fur nuthin, if ye paid me!" and turned to walk in the opposite direction, paused looked back at Bernie and said: "there's a noo lass singin at the

Pal, she's cried
Teenie fae Troon – Pure Dead Brilliant!" and disappeared into the crowd; "oxymoron," thought Bernie, "the man's the living embodiment of the term – dead from the neck up!"
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