Sentence The Sixhundredandsixtyfirst

Bernie Cohen held Sadie Glenfinnan's hand as he explained what he wanted her to do: "one of these women, Elizabeth Singer or Grace Waterside, is the cook/housekeeper and she will be the easiest to make contact with, she will be the one who visits the butcher, baker and candlestick-maker, and the one I want you to get to know, it's better to be a woman, a man would frighten her off, and we need to give her the opportunity to shrive, even if she doesn't know it, and I think you are the only one who'll be able to get the kind of information that she may have, or at least have access to, dye your hair red again, be outstanding, that way no-one will suspect you are acting undercover, it's one of the things my Uncle Moishe did when he was with
Der Rote Kapelle – he acted in Goebbels propaganda films and feature films and he never got caught; I'm going to try to contact Chick Cowcaddens lawyer, Dolores Bambona, you've probably seen her name in the papers – her father's been struck off for tampering with a jury, but
she's still a high-flyer, despite being only 3'8" tall, they call her the
Pocket Dynamite because she's been known to blow the prosecution case wide open; I met her at University and I can use that as an in, to make contact with her and then try to gain her confidence; but don't worry, I'm not trying to get in her knickers, you're the only one whose knickers I like getting inside," and that brought a laugh from Sadie, and he knew it would work; she wanted to know everything he needed and promised that she would do her best to get to know whichever of the women turned out to be the housekeeper and gain her confidence; she knew it might take some time, but she was as keen as Bernie to break up the
Ring of Gold, and expose AKA for the person he really was; her best friend Jessie was his wife and was by now convinced that he was an imposter, but had no idea as to how that could be proved, he was the millstone around their necks and Bernie was right, the only way they would be free was to expose him for who he really was, and she half-jokingly genuflected towards

him and said "your wish is my command, Oh Master"; and only yesterday Bernie had been in contact with Inspector Alex Ferguson, who had taken statements from the O'Hare family after the inexplicable appearance of AKA in their Gorbals flat and shared their suspicions about his identity – but where was the proof, or at least sufficient to justify a Glasgow Police investigation? fingerprints were become accepted by the Courts, but juries could still be swayed by barnstorming advocates and Glasgow juries often as not sided with the defence against Police evidence unless it was cast-iron, bell-bottomed and conclusive, so he was understandably reluctant to commit himself to attempting a ramshackle jury-rigged prosecution which might be blown out of the water, even if he managed to convince the Procurator Fiscal to press the charges; and with the backing AKA obviously now had from Martin Elginbrod's skills as a litigator and Paladin MacFarlane's money which would buy as many witnesses and jurors as it might take to protect their new friend and co-conspirator, it would be difficult to convict the former Reichsmarschall, Hermann Goering!
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