Sentence The Sixhundredandfiftythird

Jasmine Juniper-Green read the email from Little Levy Balquhidder and handed it back to Sam Smiles, who – against all Health and Safety Regulations – was puffing on his pipe, in the living room of the Darnick cottage which was their base for the investigations into the disappearances and re-appearances in the neighbourhood of the Eildon Hills: "he believes that Christiane Lauderdale is at Trimontium Camp in Roman times, what period are we looking at?" and Sam gazed back at her, his blue eyes unblinking: "between 80 and 211AD and most likely after 140AD to 211 according to your friend Ludmilla Lermontova, she's going through all the Roman artefacts and records, but all we have to go on are the names Umbraticus, which may be a nickname, and Marcus – oh, and someone referred to as '
Priapus' but again, that may be a nickname – wasn't he a Roman God?" and Jasmine opened a book, "yes, the God of Fertility, and do you know what? those names ring a bell for me, I'm sure I've come across something with all those names mentioned, and not being able to place them makes me feel a bit like Dolly Daydream, but I'll have a word with Ludmilla, if I'm right, she'll be best placed to find it," and she went over to the White Board and under the photo of Christiane, added Trimontium together with the dates Sam had suggested, along with Umbraticus, Marcus and Priapus; Sam had just said that Christiane 'is' at Trimontium, rather than 'was' which, if she considered that 140-211AD to be the present tense, gave her a prickling sensation at the back of her neck, "like someone walking over my grave," she said, forgetting for a moment that Sam was in the room:

"what's that Jazz?" he asked, and she turned to face him: "if what Levy told us last week is correct, that Time is not linear, that all time is simultaneously present, then a lot of the people we are looking for are not that far away, just in another room, as it were, and by the sound of it, Christiane is very close indeed, and we know that Tavish and his friends are in Edinburgh, but of the others, just no idea; by the by, Sir, what
is going to happen about MacFarlane and Doubleday?" and Smiles grimaced, "according to DCI Bruse, it seems likely that President Trumpet-Trousers will issue a retrospective Executive Order granting his Great, Great something like 150 times Grandfather and Doubleday immunity from prosecution for 'alleged' crimes committed 'anywhere in the World', he seems to think he can gerrymander the whole planet, and dismiss any opposition as 'Fake News' and 'Lies', in an effort to confuse and bemuse everyone, but any such Order is absolutely meaningless, and will no doubt be thrown out by 'so-called' judges in every court in the land; but more ominously, he is also likely to grant the pair United States Citizenship, particularly now that Doubleday's DNA shows him to be MacFarlane's half-brother, and Duck has taken to calling him 'Uncle' and there is now pressure on our own Doubleday, DCC Duncan, to provide
his DNA which is probably going to show that he is also a MacFarlane! did you see him speaking in Florida yesterday? he seems to have launched his 2020 Election Campaign already, so I am putting all of that in my pipe and smoking it. and then, how do you fancy taking a walk up to the BGH with me, the Hospital Canteen does a rather good Sunday roast dinner, so we can fress while we muse, are you up for that?" and suddenly, Jasmine felt hungry, having skipped breakfast this morning and being rather partial to Yorkshire Pudding!
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