The Sixhundredandfiftyfourth

And Duck
Trumpet-Trousers looked over the heads of the Liars and Cheats and
Fabricators of False News, who wanted to put the kibosh on his Great
Achievements even before he'd barely begun, who filled the room with
their rancid breath, and he looked straight into the TV Cameras at
the back and, by the miracle of modern communications, into the homes
of three-quarters of the world's population and he made direct
eye-contact with everyone watching him, and he was watching them and
addressing each one personally as if they were fictive kin, and if
they were Citizens of the USofA, as if they were all kissing cousins;
he had registered the headline from '
Ancient Origins' on his

Smartphone and now he spoke it: "so, Did You Known That Baboons
Were Trained in Ancient Egypt to Catch Criminals? yes, Baboons, in
Ancient Egypt, Ancient Egypt, get that – that's where Pyramids come
from, that's a long, long, time ago, and they were able to do that,
Train Baboons, yes, to Catch Criminals, Criminals, and that freed up
their Police to do more important things, more valuable things than
chasing around the country, Catching Criminals; You Have To Delegate;
and that's just what we're gonna do, we're gonna Delegate; and you
heard that from Me, Right Here, Right Now, before the Democrats get a
chance to twist my words, before the Media get a chance to twist my
words, to say I lack Statecraft, as if it's something you learn in
Boy Scouts of America or
4-H along with

or Tying Knots, but You, You the People, People of America, Citizens
of The World, you hear them First, My Words, spoken straight and
directly to each and every one of you, without being corrupted by our
corrupt Media with all it's vested, Un-American Interests and you
know they're
True, yes, they
are True; we have set up a
Task Force to train Horses all over the Country, all over the
Country, in every State in the Union, every State, in the skills and
techniques that they - the Horses - will use to Track and Catch those
Criminals, they already do all that with a Posse on their backs, it's
in their Blood, it's in their Genes, it's been passed down from each
Generation to the next, but by Training them and Enskilling Them so
that They, the Horses, can catch those Criminals themselves,

we can
have our Sheriffs and Deputies, and Marshals and Posses, and
Uniformed and Plain Clothes Police All Over The Country, yes, All
Over, getting on with and focussed on their Most Important Tasks, the
ones they are First and Most Importantly Tasked with: their Sacred
Duty - To Serve and
Protect; To Serve and Protect; we're gonna get
them back to basics, get them to do what they should be doing, what
they're best at doing, and we're gonna show the World, the Whole Wide
World, that what Ancient Egyptian Baboons could do, American Horses
can do Quicker, Faster, and even Better than Baboons; and there's a
Movie, a Documentary, about a Talking Horse, you've all seen it,

Mister Ed' was the Horse's Name; well this is
an aspect of Horses that has been neglected, and forgotten, and
allowed to disappear, and you all know that it's True - what happens
if you don't make use of your God-Given Talents,
Use them or Lose
them and Horses have been allowed to lose their natural ability
to Talk: but we're gonna bring it back, gonna encourage and train and
support Horses to regain their Power of Speech, so that they can Read
The Criminals Their Rights when they Arrest Them and bring them back
to face their punishment like Men; and Women too! – and quite
rightly we are gonna put the onus for financing this where it should
be, on those Criminals themselves, they will pay for whatever it
costs to train and equip our Horses for the job they are gonna do.
and those Criminals are gonna pay through the nose!"
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