Play Underway, Sometimes Underhand, often Hands Under The Table! And The Bed was like a Changing Room where Players could relax and amuse themselves.
Phemie made an Opening Bid for Cramond Island saying that it would be "Spiffing to have an Island to tie up to at each end of the Firth," this confused Ello who then thought that "Firth" meant "Three and a Half!" An Easy mistake which could get an Innocent Girl into all kinds of Hot Water.
Crystal Maude and Conchita await their Turn - at first the Caddies thought it was called a BORED Game until it was explained that in Tag Monopoly, the players not actually at the BOARD can play among themselves and with each other to entertain themselves - Below, |Cristal Maude and Comchita awaith their Turn on The Bed.

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