Kenny Cramond, on location in Glasgow during the shooting of 'Birdwatching', his classic depiction of youth culture during the Thatcher Yearsand the rebirth of a number of street gangs (Young Teams or Tongs) which had disappeared during the previous decade as their members co-habited or married and drifted away from a dependency on each other. The film, featuring many past and present gang members, in addition to its 'stars': Kit Cattermole, Iain MacMalcolm, Diarmuid Milligan, Georgie Corcoran and Felicity Dalwhinnie.
Diarmuid Milligan stands on the 'Berlin Wall' which separates the two principal gangs in the film:- Toonheid Young Tongs and City Young Team
Kit Cattermole, Ian Macmalcolm and Diarmuid Milligan at a 'Summit' between the principle gangs which soon disintegrates after the fatal stabbijng of two key figures. Below - the love which manages to cross The Wall: Georgie Corcoran and Felicity Dalwhinnie.
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