Sentence The Eightysecond
Now Izzy's idea was deceptively simple in the extreme, but it was this very simplicity which gave it its particular attraction: she proposed that the Eightsome Reel up to Dirleton Castle, four in Daphne's car and the rest in her van – if they didn't mind the risk of being arrested and the vehicle  impounded as she hadn't yet passed her driving test and therefore hadn't yet taxed the van – it is insured, though, she said, for she was very particular about not ignoring the sensible laws and regulations, and anyway it's only a hop, skip and jump, but it's got lovely views and it's perfect for a picnic and was where she always took visiting ladies – which she implied was not infrequent – and afterwards, they could leave the vehicles there and cycle back to The Jolly Boatman, for she just happened to have four Tandems – well, she could lay her hands on them, implying that a nod's as good as a wink – and a couple of her chums would bring the motors down later; she laughed and the Caddies who possibly didn't fully understand what she was saying - for her accent was quite broad - cheered, jumped up and down and clapped their delicate hands in pleasure, at the sight of which Maude felt her own little twinge of pleasure, and smiled despite herself; and it was Perfection – the Castle almost looked like a bespoke ruin, so picturesque and incomplete as it was, with access to the dungeons and a tiny hoosegow for recalcitrant prisoners, and the heights of its battlements sufficient for them to imagine repelling a siege and having a view “to die for” said Phemie – although Maude had never been a great one for heights – she'd only been up the Scott Monument once, forty years ago, and the memory rather upset her proprioception and she couldn't remember where her hands and feet were and for an instant she seemed to have 360 degree vision, as if her head was going right round, like an Owl's, which made her feel sick; but it passed and the picnic supplied by The Jolly Boatman had plenty of food and drink for an army and after eating and drinking their fill, the eight lay about and talked of cabbages and 
Izzy's photo from the Battlements of the others enjoying the Picnic

kings; Izzy, who said that on her mother's side she was descended from one of the Ruthvens who had been Lords of Dirleton in the 16th Century and that she was also descended from Griselda of Longformacus – the very same Our Lady as Father Finnegan's Chapel, though she thought it was more like a small Cathedral, and certainly a place they must visit before daphne and Maude returned to The City - “and my Grannie St Bathans was named Griselda after her: my mother used to sing a song about Grannie, for she was a Polar Explorer (I once met her, Maude whispered to Daphne, who whispered back that she knew, because she had been there too) it went:
My Maw's a Millionaire,
Would you believe it,
Blue eyes and Curly hair,
Would you believe it,
Sitting among the Esquimaux,
Playing a game of Dominoes,
My Maw's a Millionaire,
or would've been if she'd accepted Howard Hughes' offer of a Million pounds to fly one of his sea-planes for the Polari Circumnavigation but she said 'no thanks, mate, I'll do it in a Sunderland,' she flew those Flying Boats in the War and always said they were the best of the lot, and she would only use British equipment,” and Daphne asked her if she flew herself, “oh, yes, I've had a licence since I was 21 – don't have one for the roads, but I'm legit in the air, I've got a little Spitfire over at the East Fortune airfield – I'd take you girls for a spin but I'm a little short of cash and haven't paid my last fuel bill yet – the antiques trade's a bit slack at the moment, everybody's looking for Van Gogh's and Wedgwood Green's, for a couple of bob at a Car Boot Sale, not prepared to pay a fair price to a dealer, that's why I've been concentrating on selling through ebay, and just opening the shop at weekends and holidays, and why I'm looking for a good assistant (she surreptitiously glanced towards Conchita) but next time, and I know there will be a next time, I promise it'll be up, Up and AWAY!”


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