Sentence The Sixtythird
Teri felt like a Hobbit in the close shelter of Rosie's cottage in the folds of the Campsie Hills, but she could not cavil, for the safety brought a fructuous mind, quite free of the concerns of the world outside, of political demagogues and historic subterfuge as that of Sir Parlane MacFarlane, so she tended to Rosie and felt herself at peace in her new role as Nurse Teri – plots and blogs could wait a few days longer and the world would keep on turnin
Teri felt like a Hobbit in the close shelter of Rosie's cottage in the folds of the Campsie Hills, but she could not cavil, for the safety brought a fructuous mind, quite free of the concerns of the world outside, of political demagogues and historic subterfuge as that of Sir Parlane MacFarlane, so she tended to Rosie and felt herself at peace in her new role as Nurse Teri – plots and blogs could wait a few days longer and the world would keep on turnin
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