Sentence The Sixtyfifth

Rosie and Teri had a lovely Sunday morning, they went to Stirling and saw the towering Castle rising high above the precipitous rock, and then to the antiques market near Doune, where Rosie's avocation saved roustabout Teri from yet another expensive mistake, for despite her enthusiasms, Rosie still cleped Teri a born sucker – and not only for bric-a-brac, for she spotted Teri following a woman who was wearing a sort of mini-Dresden-Shepherdess dress, Cork- soled shoes and a delicate chain round her bare ankle, and she would have bought everything the other touched but Rosie successfully intervened and they went back to the cottage via Aberfoyle and saw the Baillie Nicol Jarvie Inn – now exclusive apartments – and to Rosie's cottage for cocoa fortified with Scotland's National Drink, and Teri vowed to avoid posting to QQ with her phone 'cause it was mingin'!!!


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