Sentence The Fiftysecond

As the chums staggered up from Johnstone Terrace towards the High Street, clinging to each other to obtain sufficient balance that they would not topple into the Park below, Tuffy became aware that obsolescence had caught up with her shoes, she realized that the 6” heels had disintegrated, so she removed them and chucked them into a caisson in the nearby cemetery, at which point Grizzel and Lettice began to harmonise that song of the douce wee podunk in the West of the country, far, far from Edinburgh, and made famous by Will Fyffe, “I belong to Glasgow”, and when Maude, Cecilia and Tuffy joined in for the chorus, even the pigeons wheeling above them seemed to Hoot at the fun and frolics of the Famous Five below.
As the chums staggered up from Johnstone Terrace towards the High Street, clinging to each other to obtain sufficient balance that they would not topple into the Park below, Tuffy became aware that obsolescence had caught up with her shoes, she realized that the 6” heels had disintegrated, so she removed them and chucked them into a caisson in the nearby cemetery, at which point Grizzel and Lettice began to harmonise that song of the douce wee podunk in the West of the country, far, far from Edinburgh, and made famous by Will Fyffe, “I belong to Glasgow”, and when Maude, Cecilia and Tuffy joined in for the chorus, even the pigeons wheeling above them seemed to Hoot at the fun and frolics of the Famous Five below.
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