Sentence The Twentysecond
“Oh, Frabjous Day, Callooh, Callay!” cried Ginger Goldfish, wildly quoting Lewis Carroll to the assembled cameras and journalists of the world's press, radio and television – she was about to fly to London for official duties as the First Minister of Scotland, but first had to express what could not be constrained, just as the attentions of her stylist could not master her bright cymotrichous locks – the vivid colour of which flowing waves perfectly matched her glass of Scotland's Other National Drink,

giving her the soubriquet always attached to her, and which she now raised to the cameras, giving a huge smile and knowing wink aimed directly at her Cousins and Aunts, who she knew would be watching on their television sets; and, in what had once been a riparian dwelling, overlooking the Nor' Loch, now gone to make way for Princes Street's Pleasure Gardens, Ginger's Aunts and Cousins were indeed assembled and watching – having set aside the futilitarian political divisions which had been such a major part of their General Election Campaigning, and now united in both their fraternal joy for their beloved cousin's successes and their shared commitment to getting to the bottom of the intriguing story of Sir Parlane MacFarlane and his long shadow. which fell darkly across Scotland's Monarchical and Political establishments; Daphne turned to the group and proposed a Toast, “to Ginger,” and all voices were raised in unison for the response “and Confusion to her Enemies!” and drank deeply of their sparkling Irn Bru.
“Oh, Frabjous Day, Callooh, Callay!” cried Ginger Goldfish, wildly quoting Lewis Carroll to the assembled cameras and journalists of the world's press, radio and television – she was about to fly to London for official duties as the First Minister of Scotland, but first had to express what could not be constrained, just as the attentions of her stylist could not master her bright cymotrichous locks – the vivid colour of which flowing waves perfectly matched her glass of Scotland's Other National Drink,
giving her the soubriquet always attached to her, and which she now raised to the cameras, giving a huge smile and knowing wink aimed directly at her Cousins and Aunts, who she knew would be watching on their television sets; and, in what had once been a riparian dwelling, overlooking the Nor' Loch, now gone to make way for Princes Street's Pleasure Gardens, Ginger's Aunts and Cousins were indeed assembled and watching – having set aside the futilitarian political divisions which had been such a major part of their General Election Campaigning, and now united in both their fraternal joy for their beloved cousin's successes and their shared commitment to getting to the bottom of the intriguing story of Sir Parlane MacFarlane and his long shadow. which fell darkly across Scotland's Monarchical and Political establishments; Daphne turned to the group and proposed a Toast, “to Ginger,” and all voices were raised in unison for the response “and Confusion to her Enemies!” and drank deeply of their sparkling Irn Bru.
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