Sentence The Fifteenth
“Oh, Darling Girl,” cried Daphne, when Roxy, having finished her tale, sat back upon the bench between her and Maude and both ladies applauded her bravery and fortitude; “such bravery and fortitude,” her Aunt continued, “is clearly an example of instinctive forces from within coming to the fore, so that one acts without conscious thought, one's id taking over and the person simply becoming what one is and functioning as one does – a testament to your very treeness in which, Roxy, dear child, I do aver that every action which you performed this morning was predicated on your inner strength of character, your hereditary dedication to the common weal, your commitment to social justice and the rights of every human being to pursue truth, justice and happiness, to live without fear or favour and to the belief that free speech demonstrates the civility of a culture and a nation and its peoples the which has always been so integral to your family for the better part – at least – of a thousand years,” and, when Daphne paused, Roxy quietly slipped in an aside about her weekly evening classes in Kick Boxing coming in handy, too.

Roxy Davidova is a Pink Belt in Thai Kick Boxing which she has been learning at the Morningside Gymnasium
“Oh, Darling Girl,” cried Daphne, when Roxy, having finished her tale, sat back upon the bench between her and Maude and both ladies applauded her bravery and fortitude; “such bravery and fortitude,” her Aunt continued, “is clearly an example of instinctive forces from within coming to the fore, so that one acts without conscious thought, one's id taking over and the person simply becoming what one is and functioning as one does – a testament to your very treeness in which, Roxy, dear child, I do aver that every action which you performed this morning was predicated on your inner strength of character, your hereditary dedication to the common weal, your commitment to social justice and the rights of every human being to pursue truth, justice and happiness, to live without fear or favour and to the belief that free speech demonstrates the civility of a culture and a nation and its peoples the which has always been so integral to your family for the better part – at least – of a thousand years,” and, when Daphne paused, Roxy quietly slipped in an aside about her weekly evening classes in Kick Boxing coming in handy, too.
Roxy Davidova is a Pink Belt in Thai Kick Boxing which she has been learning at the Morningside Gymnasium
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