Sentence The Nineteenth
The shock of Daphne's discoveries had hardly landed on the three young cousins, when their mobile phones began to trill and, apologising profusely to their favourite aunts they scrambled their things together and, phones clamped to their ears, left the sweet courtyard to return to their respective Party Headquarters and enter into the final, astringent, throes of the General Election Campaign, leaving Maude and Daphne to finish off the scones and pancakes and the last of the tea; Maude gazed fondly at her dearest cousin, friend, partner and soul-mate; she reached for and took Daphne's hand in hers, and wondered aloud what might be the ramifications of that bombshell, so recently dropped in this most peaceful of settings; “oh, that,” murmured Daphne, “ is hardly for us to contemplate – I dare say there will be some quarters where it will not matter a whit, for it's a scandal of the distant past, so why should it concern us now.....and there will be some who will strenuously dispute and deny my discoveries, who even as we speak may be filling the oubliette with concrete to obliterate all trace of Sister Evadne and her testimony.....while yet others may seek to widen the scope and discover whether the Presidents of Russia and the United States are also descendants of Sir Parlane MacFarlane – I can imagine some falling over themselves to claim kinship, for evil; has a strange fascination, particularly for a certain type of Man; but I only hope that our dear nieces will not find themselves harmed by association; they may well be able to fly off like birds when needs must, for they are certainly volitant (or as Dear Old Mrs Malaprop once said to Uncle Bertie, do you remember, she said 'those swifts can go hither and thither, just because they're vol-au-vents – but we,
though, are made of stern stuff, we can handle brick-bats and cannonades with the best of them;

haven't we had many a scandal to feel our way through – I suppose there is a Law for things which are consequent of previous matters – or sequela as Dear Old Doctor Cameron used to say – or as young Mr Bennett wrote in The History Boys, a definition of History as being – now what was it - oh yes – 'One Fucking Thing After Another!' how we hooted, didn't we dear – quite the virtuoso; he'll go far, don't you think?”
The shock of Daphne's discoveries had hardly landed on the three young cousins, when their mobile phones began to trill and, apologising profusely to their favourite aunts they scrambled their things together and, phones clamped to their ears, left the sweet courtyard to return to their respective Party Headquarters and enter into the final, astringent, throes of the General Election Campaign, leaving Maude and Daphne to finish off the scones and pancakes and the last of the tea; Maude gazed fondly at her dearest cousin, friend, partner and soul-mate; she reached for and took Daphne's hand in hers, and wondered aloud what might be the ramifications of that bombshell, so recently dropped in this most peaceful of settings; “oh, that,” murmured Daphne, “ is hardly for us to contemplate – I dare say there will be some quarters where it will not matter a whit, for it's a scandal of the distant past, so why should it concern us now.....and there will be some who will strenuously dispute and deny my discoveries, who even as we speak may be filling the oubliette with concrete to obliterate all trace of Sister Evadne and her testimony.....while yet others may seek to widen the scope and discover whether the Presidents of Russia and the United States are also descendants of Sir Parlane MacFarlane – I can imagine some falling over themselves to claim kinship, for evil; has a strange fascination, particularly for a certain type of Man; but I only hope that our dear nieces will not find themselves harmed by association; they may well be able to fly off like birds when needs must, for they are certainly volitant (or as Dear Old Mrs Malaprop once said to Uncle Bertie, do you remember, she said 'those swifts can go hither and thither, just because they're vol-au-vents – but we,
though, are made of stern stuff, we can handle brick-bats and cannonades with the best of them;
haven't we had many a scandal to feel our way through – I suppose there is a Law for things which are consequent of previous matters – or sequela as Dear Old Doctor Cameron used to say – or as young Mr Bennett wrote in The History Boys, a definition of History as being – now what was it - oh yes – 'One Fucking Thing After Another!' how we hooted, didn't we dear – quite the virtuoso; he'll go far, don't you think?”
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