Sentence The Sichundredandfortythird
And that was when Little Levy Balquhidder, fast asleep for his afternoon nap, felt his mind drift off into that vast eternity, in which it communed with The Creator and learned much about the different players in our tale, for it is true that The Creator, who has the capacity within a consciousness which is as vast as the Universe, knows everything, past, present and future which can be described as being simultaneous and not nearly so linear as we poor mortals imagine; and he learned of the confusion within the little group of travellers in 1267 who discovered that one of their number, the Lady Griselda of Longformacus, had gone missing, at the very same moment that Tavish Dalwhinnie found his cloak near rent in two, the moth-hole enlarged to a size through which a smallish person - such as Griselda - could, with little difficulty pass. and he glimpsed, trough the rent, a black vastness. dotted here and there with stars and suns and all the exploding colours of creation, the births ofgalaxies and the growth of the black-holes which will in time swallow the entire universe and end Life and, well,
Everything as we know it, except for The Creator and The Spirits which are Eternal, and he quickly folded it up, complete with the gourd and 'string telephone' with which he had been able to speak to Sam Smiles and Jasmine Juniper-Green in our present time; and Levy became the only person - at that moment - who knew that Griselda was now in the London of 1867, having travelled 600 years into her own future, and found herself in the room of Sarah Siddons, a gay woman of loose morals and living in Drury Lane, kept in her relative luxury by a Scottsih nobleman, Sir Peveril MacFarlane, who was always accompanied by his valet, Dirk Doubleday, although being abroad for some weeks, Sir Peveril does not as yet know of the existence of Griselda, thank Heavens; and he also was able to eavesdrop on the quiet conversation of Bernie Cohen and Sadie Glenfinnan, as they made plans concerning the association of Hamish MacDonald (or AKA as he was known to them and their fellow plotters) and the men from Edinburgh who had inducted him into 'The Ring of Gold' ; and from thence to the early months of 1939 and the schemes of J Alfred Prufrock, Palestrina MacFarlane (im truth, Sir Pantagruel MacFarlane) and WPC Gertie Mountcastle, who, passing themselves as The Dolly Sisters, were intent on assassinating Adolph Hitler in an attempt to prevent The Holocaust and the looming World War III; and as if that were not enough, he glided across the great Atlantic Ocean and overheard Hyman Kaplan, Sadie Moskowitz and Rose Mitnik delving into the truth about Sir Parlane MacFarlane and his sidekick Dominic Doubleday, who had insinuated themselves into MacFarlane's direct descendant Duck Trumpet-Trousers' administration at The White House, where the President intended to announce the appointment of MacFarlane as the US Ambassador to
Scotland!; turn and look, as he did, on the great city of Milan in the Dukedom of Federico Sforza, where the brutal murder of a young actor, Giorgio Martinelli had been apparently carried out by two visiting Scotchmen, Sir Ptarmigan MacFarlane and his valet Damien Doubleday, who are presently being sought by Peter Boo, erstwhile solicitor in 21st Century Scotland and laszlo Licinic artist, and former performa in the dadaist Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich, while their company, including Roxy Davidova, leader of the Unionist Party at Holyrood, prior to her mysterious and unsolved disappearance when the first person to descentd into the Great cavern recently discovered within the bowels of the magical Eildon Hills which tower above melrose; and as the sands of Time and Space ebbed and flowed, and Little Levy tossed and turned with them, at times like a corked bottle carried by the currents of the ocean, he saw Christiane in the Roman Camp at Trimontium in the 163AD (916
Ab Urbe Condita) awaiting the Emperor's Paladin Marcus Gaius Lucullus who had promised to take her for a walk down to the river (she not having told him, or anyone, that she had crossed it on bridges yet to be built in the distant future, paddled and piddled in it, skimmed flat stones across it's breadth, and cheered the Braw Lad and Lass on their crossing on Galashiels' Gala Day more times than she cared to remember) and, by just changing the direction of his gaze, saw and heard the first rider sent out from Milan return, with news that the two fugitives wanted in connection with the Murder of Giorgio Martini had been last seen riding in the direction of the mountains which separate Italy from Switzerland, where the warrant of the Duke of Milan would carry no weight if they were granted sanctuary in the mountain State; and while The Creator alone knew how all of these different strands of our tale would intermingle and at length play out, that was never communicated to Little levy, although the Spirit was well aware, from the local and national newspapers and television broadcasts which found their way into his home, and were openly discussed in his presence by his parents, Rary and Rilla, never for one moment imagining that their little boy was quite able to undersatnd all the things they talked of - the verious disappearances and materialisations of people who had vanished in the distant past, and of Police Scotland's efforts to locate various celebrities believed connected to The Ring of Gold; it was such a lot for one Spirit to contain and live with and it was after this restless hour that The Creator shooed Levy's spirit back into it's residence in the little infant and at last slumber won out and Little Levy's Spirit found the solace and sweetness of a good afternoon's slumber!


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