The Threehundredandfortyfifth
“Well, there was
this one guy hung round Jimmy while I was the shag of choice – he
was a top BBC executive, sumpn to do with Radio 1, and he composed an
acrostics for The Melody Maker or NME and he always addressed me as
“our nidifugous little fledgeling,” which I thought was a bit
rude, even though I din't really understand what it meant, but the
thing about him was that for a kinda big fat guy, he had this strange
paradoxical frog in his trousers – it was a big soft floppy thing
when it

quite hard to suck it into your mouth and you had to do a lot of wigglin and squeezin to keep it in your See You Next Tuesday if he was tryin to fuck you, but I'll tell you this for nuthin: he had plenty

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