Sentence The Threehundredandthirtythird
And that was when they took a break from the interviewing – to give Gordon a chance to discuss the implications of the story Patience and Thomas had told them with his boss, DCI Bruce Bruse and to give the two 'Travellers' a diversion; the party went to The Ship Inn where the astonishingly versatile WPC Isa Urquhart, her cousins Teri Somerville, who had witnessed everything that had taken place in the Interview Room, Jasmine Juniper-Green, Bunty and Dixie O'Hooligan, their Aunts Daphne and Maude, and of course Aunty Crist and everyone presently lodging with her, which included the party of Syrian Refugees and the two remaining Wise Men, and of course, as Guests for the evening, Thomas and Patience enjoyed an entertaining Kit Kat Klub Limerick Night, where, when Isa explained to Patience that, as a Minor, she was not allowed an alcoholic drink, Patience quickly riposted: “according to you, I'm two hundred and twelve!” to which Isa really was, and unusually for her, lost for words, until WPC Gertie Mountcastle – in civvies – stuck a pint of draught Irn Bru in
Patience's hand and with a wink said, “and don't say I'm not good to you,” which had Patience chuckling all the way through the first turn; and needless to say, everyone took a turn and Patience got a standing ovation for what she admitted was her first ever Limerick:
“A silly young lass who fell out,
Fell in to a burn hereabout,
She got herself wet,
And she still hasn't yet,
Removed from her pinny the Trout – Look Out! - The Keeper's About!”
and it was unanimously agreed by the audience and performers alike that young Patience should receive a special prize of two 2 Litre bottles of Irn Bru and a bar of Cadbury's Fruit and Nut Chocolate, and it was no surprise when Isa was declared the winner of the Monthly Contest for her
combination of Limericks and Sally Bowles, for, no matter how many times she wears the stockings and suspenders, she always brings something new to each performance; and so it was a happy group that rolled back to Aunty Crist's – for it had been agreed that Thomas and Patience were well enough to be discharged from the Hospital after passing all their isometric tests with flying colours and were not required back until the next morning, when they were to be taken on a visit to various places they would have known well in their previous, former, earlier, no one could agree on the wording, lives; and so on their first night away from The Cavern, the two Time Travellers revelled in hot foaming baths, fluffy towels and cosy pyjamas, with mugs of hot cocoa and beds warmed by electric blankets so that soon after their heads had snuggled down upon their pillows, snores could be heard from the bedrooms on either side of Aunty Crist's own room, and it was agreed that they should be allowed to sleep until they awoke naturally; and from their years spent in The Cavern it might have been anticipated by their Hosts that they would both wake at dawn and that the whole house would awake shortly after, roused by the smoke alarms which had been triggered by Thomas trying to light a fire in the electric oven and short-circuiting the house! or, as Maude said, on learning of the reason for the
Alarum, “without wishing to derogate the isonomy of my inflammable gogo – the one you gave me at Hogmanay, Daphne, Dear Heart, and you know how much I cherish Diversity – I should have liked to enjoy a further hour's slumber after all of yesterday's excitement but, alas and alackaday, it is not to be, and on International Women's Day at that!”
And that was when they took a break from the interviewing – to give Gordon a chance to discuss the implications of the story Patience and Thomas had told them with his boss, DCI Bruce Bruse and to give the two 'Travellers' a diversion; the party went to The Ship Inn where the astonishingly versatile WPC Isa Urquhart, her cousins Teri Somerville, who had witnessed everything that had taken place in the Interview Room, Jasmine Juniper-Green, Bunty and Dixie O'Hooligan, their Aunts Daphne and Maude, and of course Aunty Crist and everyone presently lodging with her, which included the party of Syrian Refugees and the two remaining Wise Men, and of course, as Guests for the evening, Thomas and Patience enjoyed an entertaining Kit Kat Klub Limerick Night, where, when Isa explained to Patience that, as a Minor, she was not allowed an alcoholic drink, Patience quickly riposted: “according to you, I'm two hundred and twelve!” to which Isa really was, and unusually for her, lost for words, until WPC Gertie Mountcastle – in civvies – stuck a pint of draught Irn Bru in

“A silly young lass who fell out,
Fell in to a burn hereabout,
She got herself wet,
And she still hasn't yet,
Removed from her pinny the Trout – Look Out! - The Keeper's About!”
and it was unanimously agreed by the audience and performers alike that young Patience should receive a special prize of two 2 Litre bottles of Irn Bru and a bar of Cadbury's Fruit and Nut Chocolate, and it was no surprise when Isa was declared the winner of the Monthly Contest for her

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