Sentence The Onehundredandseventysecond

“Where did you get that dress? it's timeless!” hissed Daphne, to which Venetia flashed one of he Camera 1 smiles, teeth sparkling like white ice, and said simply, “darling, I made use of the soft furnishings, there was a cupboard full of curtains and duvet sets which matched them, I know it has a touch of the pochismo about it, and I hope I don't end up up with anything scorbutic, but needs must

– I was always a dab hand at needlework in Miss Abercrombie's Year Three class, she must have been there in your day, she was about a hundred in my time, but don't worry, I'll put them all back together later,” and Maude clapped her hands and rocked with merriment, for she, too, had been a fine seamstress in Year Three and remembered the young Miss Abercrombie fondly and well, “did she not marry Mr Jedburgh then,” she asked, her eyes misting at the thought of that handsome fellow, tall and blonde and strong, with arms that could have so easily lifted petite Miss Abercrombie off her feet, “we used to imagine them walking down the aisle in St Giles, and going to Pittenweem for their Honeymoon, oh, we were a very romantic class, weren't we Daphne?” her eyes pooling with tears as she gazed on her darling, “hush, Maudie, we were foolish girls, with nothing to fill our heads but thoughts of Dresden Shepherdesses and Woodsmen, swinging their Choppers, do please hush now, we have pressing matters to discuss,” and Venetia was impressed with the masterly way Daphne could take command of a situation – for a mature woman she has great personal strength of character and a firm determination which is a rare and attractive trait, why, if I wasn't already committed to Corky, and she to Maude, I could quite easily see myself being swept off my feet by Daphne Dumbiedykes, mmmm, now that is something to think about! and, knowing something of Daphne's explorations in the wilder parts of the planet, and feeling that there would be no-one she'd rather have

to hand if she ever tumbled into an alas, she felt a glow deep inside, which only the faintest smile, playing about her lips, hinted at, but which betokened a steely determination, that of one who always achieves whatever her heart is set upon.
“Where did you get that dress? it's timeless!” hissed Daphne, to which Venetia flashed one of he Camera 1 smiles, teeth sparkling like white ice, and said simply, “darling, I made use of the soft furnishings, there was a cupboard full of curtains and duvet sets which matched them, I know it has a touch of the pochismo about it, and I hope I don't end up up with anything scorbutic, but needs must
– I was always a dab hand at needlework in Miss Abercrombie's Year Three class, she must have been there in your day, she was about a hundred in my time, but don't worry, I'll put them all back together later,” and Maude clapped her hands and rocked with merriment, for she, too, had been a fine seamstress in Year Three and remembered the young Miss Abercrombie fondly and well, “did she not marry Mr Jedburgh then,” she asked, her eyes misting at the thought of that handsome fellow, tall and blonde and strong, with arms that could have so easily lifted petite Miss Abercrombie off her feet, “we used to imagine them walking down the aisle in St Giles, and going to Pittenweem for their Honeymoon, oh, we were a very romantic class, weren't we Daphne?” her eyes pooling with tears as she gazed on her darling, “hush, Maudie, we were foolish girls, with nothing to fill our heads but thoughts of Dresden Shepherdesses and Woodsmen, swinging their Choppers, do please hush now, we have pressing matters to discuss,” and Venetia was impressed with the masterly way Daphne could take command of a situation – for a mature woman she has great personal strength of character and a firm determination which is a rare and attractive trait, why, if I wasn't already committed to Corky, and she to Maude, I could quite easily see myself being swept off my feet by Daphne Dumbiedykes, mmmm, now that is something to think about! and, knowing something of Daphne's explorations in the wilder parts of the planet, and feeling that there would be no-one she'd rather have
to hand if she ever tumbled into an alas, she felt a glow deep inside, which only the faintest smile, playing about her lips, hinted at, but which betokened a steely determination, that of one who always achieves whatever her heart is set upon.
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