Sentence The Onehundredandfortyninth

Gordon Brevity cast aside the newspaper in which he had been reading about a Gubernatorial Election Campaign in Kansas when he descried the immaculate Isa Urquhart returning to The Grassmarket and Cowgate Community Policing Hub – casually, he asked that unimpeachable WPC, “I don't suppose you can guess how many Governors of Kansas have been impeached,” to which statement she quickly riposted, “no, I can't guess, because I know; it was Charles Lawrence Robinson, he was the first Governor and the only one impeached,” adding darkly, “so far,” and Brevity asked her if she wanted to join the Edinburgh Police Pub Quiz Team for the Quiz Night at the City Bar tomorrow night, but she demurred, not mentioning that she had a Hot Date with Imelda which took precedence over the honour he was offering her, but she did suggest that Professor Carolina Moonbeam of the Forensics Department had mentioned to her the other night, and here she blushed deeply – a quite unusual experience for herself and for the DI to witness – that she had been on a Team in her previous workplace and was looking for one here in Edinburgh, “and I know she would concentre your Team brilliantly,” and Isa recovering quickly from her flush, flashed him a wide smile, “she has the most arcane knowledge of the human body and it's intricacies it has been my pleasure to discover,” and leaving him agog, she went into the other office to type up her report!

Gordon Brevity cast aside the newspaper in which he had been reading about a Gubernatorial Election Campaign in Kansas when he descried the immaculate Isa Urquhart returning to The Grassmarket and Cowgate Community Policing Hub – casually, he asked that unimpeachable WPC, “I don't suppose you can guess how many Governors of Kansas have been impeached,” to which statement she quickly riposted, “no, I can't guess, because I know; it was Charles Lawrence Robinson, he was the first Governor and the only one impeached,” adding darkly, “so far,” and Brevity asked her if she wanted to join the Edinburgh Police Pub Quiz Team for the Quiz Night at the City Bar tomorrow night, but she demurred, not mentioning that she had a Hot Date with Imelda which took precedence over the honour he was offering her, but she did suggest that Professor Carolina Moonbeam of the Forensics Department had mentioned to her the other night, and here she blushed deeply – a quite unusual experience for herself and for the DI to witness – that she had been on a Team in her previous workplace and was looking for one here in Edinburgh, “and I know she would concentre your Team brilliantly,” and Isa recovering quickly from her flush, flashed him a wide smile, “she has the most arcane knowledge of the human body and it's intricacies it has been my pleasure to discover,” and leaving him agog, she went into the other office to type up her report!
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