Sentence The Sixhundredandseventyfourth 
"Today," the President said proudly, "I have been awarded an Alphabetic Award, by The American Association of Abecedarians, for, and I quote: 'the most consistent examples of code-switching performed in a Public Office in 2017' and I am honoured, I am honoured, to receive this much sought after award, it is, it's much sought after, but I have been singled out and chosen, they chose me – think about it, I didn't choose them, I'd never heard about this award until today, and that goes to show how these fine people recognise me, so don't decry it, till you try it, that's always been an axiom of mine, I think it's safe to say . . . . ." and Hyman used the remote to switch off the TV in the Diner and turned to Sadie and Rosa, "he can't even read," he sighed, "it's the Analphabetic Award, they give it to the Dummy of the Year and," he looked at his watch, "it's only the 16th of March!"


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