Sentence The Sixhundredandthirtyfifth 
And as the great uphill kanone happily reminisced and entertained his guests with the famous account of his world record 1966 slalom, covering an ascent of 4 in 1 over a distance of 2 miles on the 
Matterhorn, in an incredibly unbelievable 62.4 seconds, his appointees blithely carried out his
Executive Orders and rode roughshod over the liars and yentzers and kibitzers and sick pedlars of false news and deceit and unAmerican Activities and the Old Man's eyes brightened at the thought of Senator Joe Mccarthy and he nodded and said: "God Bless the Memory of a man who didn't let
Justice get in the Path, of Righteousness; y'know, I think we should suggest to the Pope that Canonisation of Old Joe is too long overdue, it would be a beautiful gesture, although, come to think of it, Pope Frank is a darker shade of Pink than I like, anybody got guidance against Regime Change in Vatican City? speak now or forever hold your tongues!"


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