Sentence The Twohundredandthirtyninth
When Doubleday returned with the news that one Elphinrod Dalwhinnie, a tetchy quacksalver who lived under the eaves of the rickety tenement, had been winkled out after admitting discharging his night-soil pisspot over the High Street at just about the time Sir Parlane MacFarlane had been the victim of The Law of Unintended Consequences, and the as-yet unidentified 'Law of Gravity' - for Sir Isaac Newton was not yet even a twinkle in the eyes of his unconceived parents whose nuptials were still to occur in a hundred or more years' time - and offered up fulsome apologies for the indignity his carelessness had heaped upon the weel-kent philosopher and philanderer MacFarlane's head and dignity, and he in return had uncharacteristically dismissed his earlier fury and simply ordered Doubleday to give the charlatan a penny and return him to his garret – “but bring his doxy to me, I
feel the need for some gutter-snipe to service me this day, perhaps an odour of the excrement has entered my spleen and needs must be obeyed before I can move on to the more elevated delights befitting my station – like fucking that damned nun still residing in yon oubliette and contributing not one farthing nor payment in kind towards the costs of her board and lodging!”


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