Sentence The Sevenhundredandtwentyseventh
And so, while Cllr Shelley 'Bouncer' Ball was bursting at the seams of her dress
with a vivid sense of the matriotism which her elevation to the Leadership of her Unionist Party would bring and the sheer excitement of the dastardly – and devilishly cunning – Plot hatched by her brother and cousin, those two particularly slippery and indurate customers were already coaching the 'Young Pretenderess' in her lines: "your name is Alexia Puncinelli, you're twelve years old, you live in Bucharest with your adopted family but have come to Scotland in hope of being reunited with your Birth Mother, Ginger Goldfish, and your Biological Father, Eck Salamander; you have no desire to cause anyone distress, you are not a Bounty Hunter, just a Motherless Child who seeks reconciliation – have you got that?" and the girl nodded, then reiterated it in her own words,
perfectly; Martin Elginbrod and Duncan Doubleday smiled broadly and agreed that the stage was set – all they had to do was ensure that the DNA Profile matched the putative parents and the plot was Good To Go! oh, they had done their homework thoroughly, drawing on their contacts in the Police and Legal establishments of Scotland, calling in favours from Scientific Laboratories where DNA Testing was routinely carried out, in the Mormon Church who digitise Birth Records throughout the World and Scotland for the purpose of Retrospective Baptism, among the very best Forgers in the country who have provided every possible kind of documentary evidence that Baby Alexia was indeed adopted by Illi and Nesta Puncinelli, in 2005 from The Sacred Heart Convent in the Manor Valley, near Peebles, where Ginger Goldfish had spent a month in a Retreat, after suffering a physical breakdown, believed to have been the result of an aggressive viral infection but now attested to be where and when she gave birth to a daughter, and affidavits from the then Mother Superior and Senior Nursing Sister – both now in their own Retreat at their Mother House in Cirencester and quite incommunicado, a superlative touch, that – have been notarised and certified as absolutely genuine, and even Medical and School Records from Romania attest to Alexia's life there and are incontrovertible;
Elginbrod's Chief Clerk, Riddle Rankine has certainly earned his bonus and – ex cursus, absolutely unbeknown to his employer – has passed copies of everything he has had in his hands on to Lord Jock Linkumdoddie, Senior Justice of the Supreme Court of Scotland, for both are members of that Most Secret of Secret Organisations, The Justice League of Auld Reekie and are simply biding their time before they bring the whole Ring of Gold tumbling down around the necks of it's Members as in a form of retributive Hoop-La!
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