Sentence The Sevenhundredandnineteenth

And with Carmine Rose and DC Millican comforting Pollyanna in an abrazo, DI Urquhart was aware of the galeanthropy evident in the younger woman's grace and demeanour and was certain that she had come across an acronym for cat-like females – but for the life of her could not recall it! and she mused on her own feelings about the news she had just received: what a measly end for three old men who had probably never done anyone any harm, and Dod, hurled twenty years into the future – alive, but never to see his wife again, and she recalled that Mrs Broon had been a milliner and wondered if she had made her husband's tweed bunnet? was that the germ of an idea beginning to fructify? Dod and his friends were physical evidence, advances in DNA analysis over the past twenty years might even pinpoint a suspect! or suspects - "give yourself a shake, Is she said to herself and lightly slapped her own face: that was it! the acronym! WHACKS – Women Hoo Are Catlike or Kittenish!
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