Sentence The Threehundredandsixth
“Hush, hush, whisper who dares,” whispered Chrysanthemum MacGillicuddy, in that breathless chuchotage style she had adopted from Marilyn Monroe and remade in her own image, drawing Ludmilla Lermontova's attention to a tiny peccadillo committed by one of The Ship Inn's Hoochie-
Coochie Girls, seguing a la dipsy-doodle between tables with plates of food balanced precariously on each arm and, to Chrysanthemum's way of thinking, committing an unforgivable error in showing all who cared to glance up the short sleeve of her tee-shirt that she didn't shave her alars, but Ludmilla only snorted and asked Chrysanthemum in more of a 'stage-whisper' that caused many ears to prick up and eyes to swivel towards them: “and I suppose you shave your legs and your pubes too, huh? pshaw, so petit-bourgeois, so Chav! and do you Vajazzle, Mademoiselle?” and Chrysanthemum
blushed to her roots and the very tips of her ears!
“Hush, hush, whisper who dares,” whispered Chrysanthemum MacGillicuddy, in that breathless chuchotage style she had adopted from Marilyn Monroe and remade in her own image, drawing Ludmilla Lermontova's attention to a tiny peccadillo committed by one of The Ship Inn's Hoochie-

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