Sentence The Onehundredandtwentyfifth

Which was just as well, for out at sea, in the bleak fastness of the German Ocean, where the waves roll in thunderous motion, rain and sleet fall in sheets that would slice a man in two – no thanks, one is more than enough, and so say all of us lah! – the hardy adventurers had come, had seen and had conquered: the approach had been choppy, perhaps not quite so perilous as Teri might lead you to believe, but certainly several members of the Ship's Company got slightly splashed with the spray; the landing was well enough effected once Lulu had leapt ashore and tied the ropes to the stanchions so that The Lady, comfortably moored, simply rode the tide; and Phemie led the party up the path to the cheery sight of The Bass Rock Tearoom and Hostel where they were all made welcome by Phemie's cousin Effie, honestly not a pseudonym for they were both named Euphemia by their twin sister mothers, and logically chose variations of the pet form to avoid confusions, who's neat little

waitresses scurried around making sure that everyone was cosy and comfy and taking orders – quite a lot of cocoa, and a few double whiskies for starters and Irn Bru for the red-heads in the party; outside – and the view really was spectacular with the sea spreading away beneath them in all directions while they sat atop this craggy eminence: “rather like a big toe sticking up at the foot of the bath,” said Lettice Pumpherston to many laughs, cat-calls and a number of hoots, but it broke the silence

and soon every was chatting away and when the drinks arrived and they had all warmed up even Lulu and her three chums seemed to visibly relax and become rather less atrabilious, and Maude realised that, although they lived right beside the seaside, and certainly Lulu was full of a pugnacious bravado, they none of them had ever been on a boat and this was in fact therefore their first trip to The Rock and when she found a moment she touched Lulu gently on the arm and thanked her for keeping her charges safe on board and tying the boat up at the quay, adding, “it's our first time here, too, you can still be a virgin at some things, even at our age,” indicating her Edinburgh friends,” and Lulu gave her a wink, and a nod, in acknowledgement, saying “well, you're a pretty game bunch, but we'd best all be careful on the rocks,” and Maude shook her hand; and though there were maps and drawings and photographs of the rock (and even a road sign giving the speed limit as 1 mile per hour, though Effie said they'd have to work out for themselves what proportion of a mile they might manage to walk over the rocky Bass, “or Toe,” and she grinned at Lettice who accepted the acknowledgement graciously) and at last Phemie said that if they all felt up to it, she felt it was high time they did their exploring and photographing and whatever else they wanted, and everyone agreed and got themselves ready to brave the elements again, and the sun shone down merrily on the assorted party (or Dolly-mixtures as Lulu dubbed them all) as they emerged from the tea room and gazed in wonder at the prospects which spread golden, and blue and silver and steely-grey, and there were double rainbows on two sides and it was breathtaking!
Which was just as well, for out at sea, in the bleak fastness of the German Ocean, where the waves roll in thunderous motion, rain and sleet fall in sheets that would slice a man in two – no thanks, one is more than enough, and so say all of us lah! – the hardy adventurers had come, had seen and had conquered: the approach had been choppy, perhaps not quite so perilous as Teri might lead you to believe, but certainly several members of the Ship's Company got slightly splashed with the spray; the landing was well enough effected once Lulu had leapt ashore and tied the ropes to the stanchions so that The Lady, comfortably moored, simply rode the tide; and Phemie led the party up the path to the cheery sight of The Bass Rock Tearoom and Hostel where they were all made welcome by Phemie's cousin Effie, honestly not a pseudonym for they were both named Euphemia by their twin sister mothers, and logically chose variations of the pet form to avoid confusions, who's neat little
waitresses scurried around making sure that everyone was cosy and comfy and taking orders – quite a lot of cocoa, and a few double whiskies for starters and Irn Bru for the red-heads in the party; outside – and the view really was spectacular with the sea spreading away beneath them in all directions while they sat atop this craggy eminence: “rather like a big toe sticking up at the foot of the bath,” said Lettice Pumpherston to many laughs, cat-calls and a number of hoots, but it broke the silence
and soon every was chatting away and when the drinks arrived and they had all warmed up even Lulu and her three chums seemed to visibly relax and become rather less atrabilious, and Maude realised that, although they lived right beside the seaside, and certainly Lulu was full of a pugnacious bravado, they none of them had ever been on a boat and this was in fact therefore their first trip to The Rock and when she found a moment she touched Lulu gently on the arm and thanked her for keeping her charges safe on board and tying the boat up at the quay, adding, “it's our first time here, too, you can still be a virgin at some things, even at our age,” indicating her Edinburgh friends,” and Lulu gave her a wink, and a nod, in acknowledgement, saying “well, you're a pretty game bunch, but we'd best all be careful on the rocks,” and Maude shook her hand; and though there were maps and drawings and photographs of the rock (and even a road sign giving the speed limit as 1 mile per hour, though Effie said they'd have to work out for themselves what proportion of a mile they might manage to walk over the rocky Bass, “or Toe,” and she grinned at Lettice who accepted the acknowledgement graciously) and at last Phemie said that if they all felt up to it, she felt it was high time they did their exploring and photographing and whatever else they wanted, and everyone agreed and got themselves ready to brave the elements again, and the sun shone down merrily on the assorted party (or Dolly-mixtures as Lulu dubbed them all) as they emerged from the tea room and gazed in wonder at the prospects which spread golden, and blue and silver and steely-grey, and there were double rainbows on two sides and it was breathtaking!
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